[Eng - Spa] Exquisite potato, carrot and egg salad - Exquisita ensalada de papa zanahoria y huevo

in Foodies Bee Hive • 3 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-07 at 6.24.07 AM.jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone and edited with Canvas.

Saludos para esta deliciosa comunidad , hoy es mi segundo post acá ♥ para empezar quiero desearles un excelente día, hoy comparto con ustedes una deliciosa Ensalada de papa un plato sencillo pero muy delicioso , la receta es ideal para acompañarla como la desees , con galleta de soda, arepa, pancito y mucho mas.

• 3 Papas
• 1 Zanahoria
• 3 Huevos
• 1 cucharada de pimienta
• Mayonesa
• Sal

Greetings to this delicious community, today is my second post here ♥ to start I want to wish you an excellent day, today I share with you a delicious Potato salad a simple but very delicious dish, the recipe is ideal to accompany it as you wish, with soda cracker, arepa, pancito and much more.


  • 3 Potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-07 at 6.24.08 AM (1).jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone and edited with Canvas.

Para empezar esta maravillosa receta vamos a lavar nuestras manos , y empezamos lavando y pelando nuestra papa , al tenerla ya pelada haremos cubos con ella para al momento de hervirla se ablande rápido.

To start this wonderful recipe we are going to wash our hands, and we begin by washing and peeling our potato, when we have it already peeled we will make cubes with it so that when we boil it, it softens quickly.

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-07 at 6.24.08 AM.jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone and edited with Canvas.

Luego tomamos nuestra zanahoria la lavamos de igual forma y la pelamos, al hacer este paso también la picamos en cubos pequeños para colocarla a sancochar , colocaremos una olla a hervir donde colocaremos la papa y la zanahoria . Dejándolas allí como por 15 min hasta que estén blandas ambas .

Then we take our carrot, wash it in the same way and peel it, when doing this step we also chop it into small cubes to place it to parboil, we will place a pot to boil where we will place the potato and carrot. Leave them there for about 15 minutes until both are soft.

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-07 at 6.27.50 AM.jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone and edited with Canvas.

En otra ollita sancocharemos nuestros huevos , simplemente los lavamos y los colocamos en nuestra ollita unos 7 minutos luego los retiramos y esperamos que enfrĂ­en un poco para quitarles la cascara.

In another pot we will boil our eggs, simply wash them and place them in our pot for about 7 minutes, then remove them and wait for them to cool a little to remove the shells.

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-07 at 6.24.07 AM (1).jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone and edited with Canvas.

Para finalizar colocaremos la zanahoria y la papa en un bol donde le picaremos los huevitos sancochados y colocamos unas 3 cucharadas mayonesa y un toque de pimienta integramos todos nuestros ingredientes y ya tendremos una ensalada super deliciosa.

Finally, place the carrot and potato in a bowl where we will chop the boiled eggs and add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and a touch of pepper, integrate all our ingredients and we will have a super delicious salad.

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-07 at 6.50.42 AM.jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone and edited with Canvas.

Gracias Hivers por llegar hasta aquí les deseo un día cargado de la mejor energía , espero que les guste y realicen la receta si ya la has hecho me encantaría que me contaras que mas le colocas♥

Thank you Hivers for making it this far I wish you a day full of the best energy, I hope you like it and make the recipe if you have already made it I would love you to tell me what else you put in it♥.

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Delicioso. Gracias por compartir. Saludos.