Tofu Curry Peanut Pizza (ENG/ PT/ DE)


the slightly different pizza

I wanted to have a spicier pizza dough and a slightly different taste, so I created a kind of tofu curry pizza, with the cream that I cooked before. I will post this maybe to soon.
Instead of cheese, I sprinkled crushed peanuts over it.

Bon Appetit




a pizza ligeiramente diferente

Eu queria ter uma massa de pizza mais picante e um sabor ligeiramente diferente, por isso criei uma espécie de pizza de caril de tofu, com o creme que cozinhei antes.
Em vez de queijo, polvilhei amendoins esmagados sobre ela.

Bon Appetit




die etwas andere Pizza

Ich wollte mal einen würzigeren Pizzateig und etwas anderen Geschmack, daher habe ich eine Art Tofu Curry Pizza kreiert, mit der Creme, welche ich vorher eingekocht habe. Das Rezept bringe ich mal die nächste Zeit gern.
Statt Käse habe ich geschrotete Erdnüsse darüber gestreut.

Schaut einfach mal die Bilder an.

Bon Appetit

text and pictures made by myself. Peace


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Now that is very interesting😋

Yeah, and it works. Special taste for a pizza: curry but tasty

It looks awesome, I have to try it out sometime

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