Greetings, dear readers. This time I will share with you one of my not so exotic tastes, but that I have been able to perfect over time, it is ramen. Just as you read, it is not something typical of my country, but they sell the packages where you have the noodle as such and the flavoring according to the taste you want. It is not customary at all to eat this way here, however, since years ago when I could try one, I wanted to try to make it at home again and again, although I accept that many times it has not turned out as I expect, I keep trying to see how it goes the next time and so on, just now that I could find a better touch in flavor, I wanted to make this publication to show you how it went.
Cómo pueden observar, es un simple empaque, de ahí sale la maravillosa comida, no es más que simples fideos y un toque de saborizador, en este caso es de pollo, es por eso que para la elaboración usé una pechuga de pollo, la hice en filetes pequeños, también opté por picar algunos vegetales verdes como el brócoli, el calabacín y las vainitas, de igual manera cebolla y zanahoria como pueden observar, esto más que todo para darle volumen y un sabor diferente a como acostumbro comerlo, ya que anteriormente solo era el pollo o la carne, más los fideos y realmente, no es como que muy bueno así. Tuve que ver algunos videos de preparación y como no contaba con lo necesario para eso, mejor me salió hacerlo a mi manera.
As you can see, it is a simple packaging, from there comes out the wonderful food, it is nothing more than simple noodles and a touch of flavoring, in this case it is chicken, that is why for the preparation I used a chicken breast, I made it in small fillets, I also chose to chop some green vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini and beans, likewise onion and carrot as you can see, this mostly to give it volume and a different flavor as I usually eat it, I also chose to chop some green vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini and beans, as well as onion and carrot as you can see, this mostly to give it volume and a different flavor to how I usually eat it, because previously it was only chicken or meat, plus noodles and really, it is not very good like that. I had to watch some preparation videos and since I didn't have the necessary equipment, I decided to make it my own way.
Todavía desconozco lo que pueda darle un buen toque al ramen, sin embargo, eta vez que lo hice diferente, sabía diferente a las veces pasadas que lo he intentado, aunque no cuente con todos los ingredientes, estoy seguro que puede quedar mejor a nuestra manera, sin tanto problema en echarle todo lo debido, a final de cuentas, somos quienes nos vamos a comer eso, así que no hay problema alguno con ello. Algo más que quisiera acotar en esto, es que no hay que excederse de agua, por lo que he notado, nos sale mucho mejor que se mantenga concentrado en buena cantidad de agua, aproximadamente en dos tazas de agua, porque más allá de eso, sí es verdad que termina siendo una simple sopa y no es la idea, hay mucho para degustar acá y nos sale más rentable de esta manera para poder aprovecharlo.
I still don't know what can give a good touch to ramen, however, this time I made it differently, it tasted different from the past times I have tried it, even if I don't have all the ingredients, I am sure that it can be better in our way, without so much problem in adding everything we need, after all, we are the ones who are going to eat it, so there is no problem with it. Something else I would like to point out is that we should not overdo it with water, from what I have noticed, it is much better to keep it concentrated in a good amount of water, approximately two cups of water, because beyond that, it is true that it ends up being a simple soup and that is not the idea, there is a lot to taste here and it is more profitable this way to be able to take advantage of it.
Hablas de ramen 🍜 y veo Naruto.
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