Redfish Rally-100 Cookbook Challenge Breads/Pasta week 3 (Bilingual). Redfish Rally-100 Reto del Libro de Cocina Panes/pasta semana 3 (Bilingüe)
How to make an easy neapolitan pasta for two people?
¿Cómo hacer una pasta napolitana fácil para dos personas?
First of all, I decided to cook without animal derived ingredients like eggs and dairy products because I assume myself within the ethical position of veganism, a beautiful movement that seeks to avoid all kinds of animal abuse, including removing them from our plates. Therefore, all my food publications will always be free of animal cruelty.
250 g de la pasta que prefieras
Agua suficiente para su preparación
3 tomates maduros
1/2 pimentón rojo
3 dientes de ajo
1 cebolla pequeña
2 cebollines
1 cucharada de aceite vegetal
1 pizca de pimienta
1 pizca de orégano
1 taza de agua
Sal al gusto
250 g of the type of pasta you prefer
Enough water for its preparation
3 ripe tomatoes
1/2 fresh red paprika fruit
3 garlic cloves
1 small onion
2 chives
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1 pinch of pepper
1 pinch of oregano
1 cup of water
Salt to taste
Para preparar la pasta, debemos cocinarla hasta que esté al dente en suficiente agua hirvendo, con sal y un poco de aceite. Luego colarla y servir.
To prepare the pasta, we must cook the pasta until it is 'al dente' in copious boiling water with a little oil and salt. Then strain and serve.
Para hacer la salsa napolitana, se corta el pimentón, el ajo, el cebollín y la cebolla y se sofríen con aceite. El tomate se licua o tritura con el agua hasta hacer una salsa, y se le agrega a los aliños una vez dorados. Se le añaden la sal, la pimienta, el orégano, y se deja cocinando a fuego lento unos minutos.
To make the tomato sauce, cut the fresh red paprika fruit, garlic, chives and onion and fry it in oil. Crush the tomato with the water until making a sauce, and add it to the vegetables once browned. Add the salt, pepper, oregano, and leave to cook over low heat for a few minutes.

Luego servir caliente. Yo en este caso la acompañé con plátano frito.
Then serve hot. In this case I accompanied it with fried ripe plantains.
All the photos were taken by me. I hope you liked it and that you try to do it at home.

Cookbook Challenge Si desean unirse pueden ingresar a su Discord. Los demás participantes de este mes son:Esta publicación fue hecha para el Redfish Rally de la comunidad de @theterminal. Éste fue un reto extra de la tercera semana llamado
Cookbook Challenge If you want to join you can enter their Discord. The other participants for this month are:This post was made for the @theterminal community Redfish Rally. This was an extra challenge from the third week called

@maruvalerio (¡Yo! ¡Me!)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 12/18)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it
Beautiful dish @maruvalerio. And so easy to make. I've never had pasta cooked that way. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to publish my recipes.
Very nice and you also used a gif, next to the photos. Never used the sweet next to the pasta but sure gonna try
It's and awesome combination. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it
Nice work. In my country, they will call this macaroni and stew. I am really feeling like tasting that meal.
But on a serious note, chai you are missing. I can do without the delicious taste of meat, especially turkey laps 😋😋.
Anyway, nice post. Thanks for sharing.