Hey there! I love the little story behind this.
So I started her off with the Caribbean since there is some Asian and Spanish in it also.. so there would be similar interest overlapping.
That's true to an extent.
I must say that you're "brave" to put the Jamaican flag next to a meal with your twist.
Did you know that every Jamaica thinks that they are the best cook and that they are extremely critical and not receptive to twists. Haha... I'm being a little extreme, but there's some truth there 😆
I lived in Cebu for 7 years, but I was surprised to see how different food preparation and inclusion of spices differ from the Philippines. What I liked was that most of the foods that are grown in Jamaica are available in the Philippines, so I was able to create my Jamaican dishes:)
As in both sides of my family, we didnt have much.. but we had plenty of love. So we shared stories, food, and music. And growing up in the South, this meant a lot to most because it rung familiar true.
Ma'am, thank you for stopping and sharing.
Be kind despite our circumstances is the best that we can be:)
Amen to that Auntie! ❤️