Hello beloved Hive family, today Sunday I wish you a happy day thanking the platform for everything.

Hoy quiero compartirle un plato muy rico y tradicional del oriente de Venezuela.
En Maturin ciudad en la cual resido, somos amantes del pescado en cualquiera de sus variedades, los domingo en la casa de mi mama o del familiar donde nos encontráramos no fallaba el pescado porque se iba al mercado específicamente a comprarlo, lo acompañamos con arepas o con verduras; tales como el chino (ocumo) o yuca sancochada y su respectiva ensalada, eso era una tradición, así que los domingo eran dia del pescado. En mi hogar habían ganas de comer pescado así que decimos salir a comprar lo necesario, en esta oportunidad compramos unos filet de sardina que nos encanta.
Este domingo quise rememorar esos momento de mi infancia y juventud con mis hijos y esposo.
Today I want to share with you a very rich and traditional dish from the east of Venezuela.
In Maturin city in which I live, we are fish lovers in any of its varieties, on Sundays at my mom's house or the family where we were not failing the fish because we went to the market specifically to buy it, we accompanied it with arepas or vegetables, such as Chinese (ocumo) or boiled cassava and its respective salad, that was a tradition, so Sundays were fish day. In my home we wanted to eat fish so we decided to go out and buy what we needed, this time we bought some sardine fillets that we love.
This Sunday I wanted to remember those moments of my childhood and youth with my children and husband.
Para el este almuerzo dominguero necesite:
1 kg y 1/2 de filet de sardinas.
2 kg de yuca.
1 tomate grande.
2 cebollas pequeñas.
Sal y orégano al gusto.
1 ramita de cilantro.
For this Sunday lunch you will need:
1 kg and 1/2 of sardine fillet.
2 kg of yucca.
1 large tomato.
2 small onions.
Salt and oregano to taste.
1 sprig of coriander.
Es una preparación sencilla :
Paso 1
Aca colocamos una olla con agua a calentar, a esta se le agrega sal se tapa hasta que hierva y mientras se pelan, lavan las yucas y al estar en punto de ebullición se agregan al agua hasta que estén blandas y se cuelan.
This is a simple preparation:
Step 1
Here we put a pot with water to heat, add salt and cover it until it boils and while the yuccas are peeled, washed and when they are boiling add them to the water until they are soft and strain them.
Paso 2
En este paso lavamos los filet de sardinas y se condimentan con sal y orégano, que le dan un rico sabor al pescado. Seguidamente en un plato le colocamos harina de maíz o harina de trigo para rebozar los filet y llevar a freír en una paila, caldero o sartén con aceite hasta que doren y queden crujientes.
Step 2
In this step we wash the sardine fillets and season with salt and oregano, which give a rich flavor to the fish. Then on a plate we put corn flour or wheat flour to batter the fillets and take to fry in a pan, pot or pan with oil until golden brown and crispy.
Paso 3
Lavamos el tomate, cebollas y el cilantro para picarlo en ruedas y el cilantro bien pequeñito, los unimos agregamos aceite, sal y tenemos lista nuestra ensalada.
Step 3:
Wash the tomatoes, onions and cilantro.
Wash the tomato, onions and cilantro to chop it into wheels and cilantro very small, add oil, salt and we have our salad ready.
En estos 3 pasos tenemos listo nuestro almuerzo dominguero, aca les dejo el resultado final de esta preparación, lo disfrutamos al máximo y aproveche de contarle a mis hijos, esos hermosos momentos que venían a mi memoria en medio del compartir familiar.
In these 3 steps we have our Sunday lunch ready, here is the final result of this preparation, we enjoyed it to the fullest and I took the opportunity to tell my children, those beautiful moments that came to my memory in the middle of the family sharing.
Thank you for visiting my blog friends and remember how important it is to share a delicious meal as a family. The kitchen unites us and leads us to remember experiences full of love that marked our lives.
The photos were taken with my DVX-850 camera, translation with the help of deepl translate and canva editor.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your great support, blessings, happy week to all. .
Hola amiga, una rica y nutritiva comida dominguera y en familia mas. Dulces bendiciones.