Omg! This looks so tasty!
I'm looking at your photos and I am like...what the...?
The photos are awesome, so well presented, its no wonder your post brought my appetite back!!
I am going to try this! Promise.
The adds in are amazing too, especially the one with thyme and rosemary. 😱
I can only imagine how they look inside. I am so hooked up with ur recipe right now, dont u have a photo on the inside? I'm so curious to see how it looks. 😁🤣
Bringing up someone's appetite, feels like a mission fulfilled. 😉
You can of course add whatever feels right and smells good to you at the moment.
Bread can take different shapes, colors and taste depending on many circumstances, I would love to see your bread creation! 😍That's so kind @missdeli!
I actually wanted to include this photo in the post but obviously I forgot to insert it. Thanks for the reminder 😉
It looks just perfect to me! I will try it as soon as possible. 💓