Hello, I hope you are well, today I prepared some delicious pumpkin pancakes, they are a delight, they are super creamy.
✓ 300 de harina de trigo con leudante.
✓ 200 ml de azúcar.
✓ 4 cucharadas de mantequilla.
✓ 2 huevos.
✓ 2 tazas de agua.
✓ 200 gramos de pure de calabaza.
✓ 300 of wheat flour with leavening.
✓ 200 ml of sugar.
✓ 4 tablespoons of butter.
✓ 2 eggs.
✓ 2 cups of water.
✓ 200 grams of boiled pumpkin.
Paso a paso./Step by step:
Place all ingredients in the blender.
We process until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
We heat a satin over a low heat, when it is very hot we put some of the mixture. We cook on both sides.
The texture is fabulous, we will have some rich full cream pancakes, to snack and pamper our family.
The pumpkin is a nutritious food, which provides different benefits to our body, has potassium, vitamin C. The best thing is that we can eat it in different presentations.

Photos taken and edited by @mjmarquez4151
Receta deliciosa @mjmarquez4151, verdaderamente exquisita!
Espero que puedas saborearla debidamente durante el fin de semana.
Que así sea.
Me encanta la auyama! Y las panquecas, su combinación es perfecta!
Así es amiga.
Nunca las he probado de auyama, guardaré la receta. Saludos
Quedan súper buenas.
Excelente opción.
Muy buena.
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This I never knew , so just add fruit to the Blatter?
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Thank you. Yes, my friend, you can make the pancakes in different flavors.