DIY process of the Jollof rice treat we prepared for the family

Hello Hive

After eating series of snacks and restaurant meals we had cravings for some special home made food and decided to make some delicious Jollof rice at home.

So yesterday after an early morning mass I went to the nearest market and purchased all the necessary ingredients.

I got home and had them all washed and ready for cooking.




To enhance the nutrients for the meal we add enough protenious ingredients, meat, dried fish, eggs and cow skin.

Presentation and Appealing Appearance

While for the color and how appealing we desired it to be, enough vegetables and pepper ingredients were added.

A mixture of tomatoes, two set of different pepper and onions for flavor.


Spices used for the meal included curry and thyme powder and in other instances a little of tumeric.

I do not usually like ginger and garlic powder in rice so that became optional.

Preparation process.

Proper cooking of the cow skin with spices.


Next was washing and preparing other cooking ingredients


Liver, properly cooked and diced


Cow skin


Other ingredients.

Cooking process

Vegetable oil was poured in our cooking pots, then we added the blended tomatoes and allowed it to cook properly.

After that we poured in the spices and Maggie cubes along side the cow skin since it wasn't cooked initially.


Remember to wash starch off the rice grains properly to prevent your Jollof rice from clumping a poor cooking effect.

Sometimes Magerine is added to give extra taste and prevent like sticking together into unpleasant climb.

The rice was then added into the cooked pepper and spices and placed on medium heat to cook.




It was serving time and everyone took an exact quantity they can eat.
Since we lack a dining table, everyone located a comfortable spot on the sofa to enjoy their meals.





We enjoyed a nutritious and delicious home made family meal together. We then rounded up our weekend activities with some movies and gist. Its so much beauty for family to eat together, pray and have some pleasurable moments together.

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