Asam Sabe Traditional Aceh-Indonesian Cuisine

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Hello friends Everyone, my name is @myaceh, I really like cooking, even though sometimes what I cook is not good, but I like cooking.

This is my first post on Foodies Bee Hive, for the first post, I will share the recipe for making Asam Sabe or making dried shrimp acid. Asam Sabe this is a typical Aceh-Indonesian food.

Then the materials we need to prepare are as follows:

  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • Red onion to taste
  • 5 Fruit Wuluh Starfruit
  • Orange Leaves To taste
  • Salt Just Sufficiently
  • Rebon shrimp to taste

The steps we need to do are as follows:

  • Boil dried shrimp until the water boils then drain

  • Chop any ingredients, from onions to lime leaves, chop all of them so that they are easy to grind later.

  • Then the final step is to grind all the ingredients, and add just enough salt.

After all the steps above have been done then Asam Sabe or tamarind shrimp rebon ready to be served, hopefully useful and good luck.

created by @myaceh