Hello everyone, today I made another wonderful recipe with my cousin Eduardo. I made some apple and cinnamon muffins. I hope you try it and share it with your family and friends.//
Hola a todos, hoy hice otra receta maravillosa con mi primo eduardo. Hice unos muffins de manzana y canela. Espero que lo pruebes y lo compartas con tu familia y amigos.
- 100 grams of oatmeal or oat flakes (these were made with flour)
- 4 eggs
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon of yeast
- 1 large apple, cut into squares or grated
- 2 spoons (dessert) honey (optional).//
- 100 gramos de avena o copos de avena (estos fueron hechos con harina)
- 4 huevos
- 1 cucharadita de canela
- 1/2 cucharadita de levadura
- 1 manzana grande, cortada en cuadritos o rallada
- 2 cucharadas (postre) de miel (opcional).
Then just mix everything//
Entonces solo mezcla todo.
Then just put it in the oven at 180 degrees for 15/20 minutes (depends on the oven).//
Luego simplemente mételo en el horno a 180 grados durante 15/20 minutos (depende del horno).
After coming out of the oven, just look at how they look.//
Después de salir del horno, solo mira cómo se ven.
Gave to 12 small muffins
Each has approximately 20 calories
Honey is really optional. I didn't add honey because the apple is already sweet. But for those who like the sweetest muffins, you can put them. I usually do it without honey and then, on those days when I feel like something sweeter, I put a little honey or peanut butter on top.
Are good for when we need a quick dessert. I was preparing lunch in the oven and while waiting for it to finish I prepared the muffin dough and placed it right away. At the end of lunch they were all ready.//
Dio a 12 magdalenas pequeñas
Cada uno tiene aproximadamente 20 calorías
La miel es realmente opcional. No agregué miel porque la manzana ya está dulce. Pero para los que gustan de los muffins más dulces, se los puede poner. Normalmente lo hago sin miel y luego, en esos días que me apetece algo más dulce, pongo un poco de miel o mantequilla de maní encima.
Son buenos para cuando necesitamos un postre rápido. Estaba preparando el almuerzo en el horno y mientras esperaba que terminara preparé la masa para muffins y la coloqué enseguida. Al final del almuerzo estaban todos listos.
One of the best think that i do is cooking it's the first time that i saw you post i want to try it yammmyyy
Try and share with your family and friends. I hope you like my recipes 💖
Dear @name0 , The dishes you make look very delicious.😄
And they really are 😋
This is the first time that I have seen this recipe, it looks very delicious. With that being said, I will try this one out. Hi from the Philippines!
When trying give feedback. I am very happy that my recipes are useful to someone