Today I made Rabanadas, a typical Portuguese sweet

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Hello everyone, today is christmas day and i decided to make some french toast. yesterday christmas eve my family came here for dinner, and we all tested covid to have a safer christmas. yesterday I decided to make some french toast, but as my family loved it I decided to do it again today.


Started by putting one liter of sugar, a stick of cinnamon, a lemon rind and four spoons of sugar.


After the milk has finished boiling we have to remove the cinnamon stick and the lemon rind. Then we have to cut the club into thin or thick slices. we here at home like them thicker, but you do as you prefer. We place the slices on a platter and put the milk that has just boiled over the toast. it has to be on both sides and the Rabanadas has to have plenty of milk, otherwise it's too dry.



Then we have to beat 3 eggs and dip the Rabanadas.


Then we have to drain the Rabanadas.


At the end, just put the Rabanadas to fry.


You should always be turning them over, because it's something that fryes very quickly. One min on each side arrives.


Finally I made the sauce. the sauce is super easy. I put two cups of boiling water with a cinnamon stick. After the water boiled, I added foir tablespoons of ground cinnamon,four tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of honey and one glass of port wine. It was so good!!!


For those who love cinnamon, it's an addictive candy.


I hope you enjoyed it, see you soon 😀


Sometimes the simple things are the best. I‘ll definitely try this when I have leftover baguette. 😋

I'm glad this recipe is being used by someone 😊


rabanadas are my wife's favourite christmas candy. I'm more an "azevias" guy ;)