[Esp] Receta de pollo asado y sus acompañantes: arroz, ensalada y plátano/[Eng] Recipe for roast chicken and its companions: rice, salad and banana

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Dear friends of #hive and of the #foodiesbeehive community, after greeting you I share an exquisite #menu and practical #recipe of Roasted Chicken in a pan and without oil, using natural garlic, pepper and Himalayan salt as ingredients, this animal protein is accompanied with vegetable salad, rice and grilled banana, you can use the garnishes of your choice. Friends, I hope you prepare this delicious #food and you will taste it placidly as a family ..



  • Pollo.
  • Dientes de ajo.
  • Sal de Himalaya.
  • Pimienta.
  • Para las guarniciones, arroz, ensalada de vegetales (cebolla, tomate, repollo) y platano


  • Chicken.
  • Garlic cloves.
  • Himalayan salt.
  • Pepper
  • For the garnishes, rice, vegetable salad (onion, tomato, cabbage) and banana.



  • Cortamos el pollo en trozos medianos y los colocamos en un envase.


  • We cut the chicken into medium pieces and place them in a container.



  • Tomamos de los ingredientes seleccionados, 10 dientes de ajo, quitamos la cáscara y los trituramos.
  • We take 10 garlic cloves from the selected ingredients, remove the peel and crush them.


  • Colocamos una paila en la cocina a fuego alto y agregamos los dientes de ajo triturados, removiendo para que desde el inicio aromatice dicha vajilla, comprobando la cocción, para que no se queme el producto. La acción, del cocinado del ajo durante 10 minutos, siempre lo hago, en la mayoría de mis #recetas, antes de añadir el pollo, carne, pescados u otros alimentos marinos, para que estos se impregnen y aromaticen de dicho vegetal.
  • We put a pan in the kitchen over high heat and add the crushed garlic cloves, stirring so that from the beginning it aromatizes said dishes, checking the cooking, so that the product does not burn. The action, of cooking the garlic for 10 minutes, I always do, in most of my #recipes, before adding the chicken, meat, fish or other marine foods, so that they are impregnated and aromatic with said vegetable.



  • Al cocinado anterior, agregamos los trozos de pollo y removemos para que se impregnen y aromaticen del ajo.
  • To the previous cooking, we add the chicken pieces and stir so that they are impregnated and aromatic with the garlic.



  • Agregamos al pollo en cocción, sal de Himalaya (se puede usar otro tipo de sal), pimienta, una taza pequeña de agua y removemos.
  • Add to the cooked chicken, Himalayan salt (you can use another type of salt), pepper, a small cup of water and stir.




  • Verificada la cocción, evidenciamos lo exquisito que está el pollo y procedemos a emplatar.
  • Once the cooking has been verified, we show how exquisite the chicken is and proceed to plate.



  • En esta ocasión acompañamos el pollo asado en paila, con ensalada de vegetales(repollo, tomate y cebolla), arroz y plátano a la plancha cortado en rueditas. Al servir y degustar, afirmamos, buen provecho.
  • On this occasion we accompany the roast chicken in a pan, with vegetable salad (cabbage, tomato and onion), rice and grilled banana cut into wheels. When serving and tasting, we affirm, bon appetit.


Apreciados amigos Hive y de la comunidad Foodies Bee Hive, ciertamente cocinar sin aceite, evitas que se oxiden los alimentos, igualmente obtenemos un mejor sabor, situación comprobada en la #receta descrita. Al agradecerles su receptividad me suscribo a ustedes Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Puerto Ordaz en el estado Bolívar-Venezuela.

Dear friends Hive and the Foodies Bee Hive community, certainly cooking without oil, you avoid food oxidation, we also get a better flavor, a situation proven in the #recipe described. In thanking you for your receptivity, I subscribe to you Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Puerto Ordaz in the state of Bolívar-Venezuela

Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Blu 5.2 Advance y la publicación es de mi autoría.

The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Blu 5.2 Advance cell phone and the publication is my own.


Estimados amigos #hive y de la comunidad #foodiesbeehive, luego de saludarles comparto un exquisito #menu y práctica #receta de Pollo asado en paila y sin aceite, utilizando como ingredientes ajo natural, pimienta y sal de Himalaya, dicha proteína animal la acompañamos con ensalada de vegetales, arroz y plátano cocido a la plancha, ustedes pueden utilizar las guarniciones de su preferencia. Amigos, espero preparen esta deliciosa #comida y la desgustarán plácidamente en familia..


Me and puppy dog both think that looks very tasty and we would very much like to share in this bountiful meal with you...

Just no bones for puppy dog please. However he does love chicken...


Thank you friend for visiting me and reading my publications. Of course I am, I am very fond of dogs, and in my posts about yoga, in the successful #fulldeportes community I refer to the dog in various positions, the dog is certainly a faithful friend, and it is also a detrimental company. Hugs @ganjafarmer and success for you.

You are very welcome thank you for posting!