Greetings to all the beautiful people of HIVE! This time I will give you a recipe to make the best mango jelly you have ever tried, to enjoy in a delicious snack or at any time of the day that provokes you, ** We are in mango season here in Venezuela! **, It is one of my favorite fruits and I would eat a lot, what better way to enjoy what you like if you can make it in different presentations ... * This jelly of Mango will leave you speechless with its flavor and texture so rich *, I assure you! Take advantage of this season and try making this delight ...
Ingredientes / Ingredients
- 3 tazas de pulpa de mango.
- 2 tazas de agua.
- 1 1/2 tazas de azucar.
- 1 caja de gelatina sin sabor.
- 3 cups of mango pulp.
- 2 cups of water.
- 1 1/2 cups of sugar.
- 1 box of unflavored gelatin.
Preparación/ Preparation
1.- Coloca en una olla 1 1/2 taza de agua, la pulpa de mango y el azúcar.
1.- Place 1 1/2 cups of water, the mango pulp and the sugar in a saucepan.
2.- Deja hervir por 10min. y retira del fuego.
2.- Boil for 10 min. and remove from fire.
3.- Mientras trascurre el tiempo disuelve la gelatina sin sabor en 1/2 taza de agua.
3.- As time passes, dissolve the unflavored gelatin in 1/2 cup of water.
4.- Vierte la mezcla en la licuadora.
5.- Agrega la gelatina previamente disuelta.
4.- Pour the mixture into the blender.
5.- Add the previously dissolved gelatin.
6.- Licua bien.
7.-Pinta el molde con clara de huevo.
6.- Blend well.
7.-Paint the mold with egg white.
8.- Vierte la mezcla en el molde.
9.- Lleve a la nevera de un día para otro y desmolde.
8.- Pour the mixture into the mold.
9.- Refrigerate overnight and remove from the mold.
All photos are my property
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