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RE: Ganache Fridge Tart: Browned Butter, Biscuits and Too Much Butter - A Lazy Sunday Recipe

I'm feeling rather ill just looking at it... Because I know I'd eat more than one piece. I don't have a sweet tooth but can eat a block of dark chocolate quicker that you can say 'dont eat the whole block'. Vegan butter would work a treat I imagine. And yes some berries or citrus would work beautifully with this too.

Also, a reminder to plant more greens 😂


Always more greens! 🤣 I have so much growing now, but we are again moving into that weird stage where everything is bolting now and producing seeds, and it is still too warm for salad crops (my body is screaming for salad rocket).

So whilst waiting for the winter and autumn, I am eating chocolate. Not the healthiest life choices. But luckily the tart is done! Now back to the veggie diet.