Hello Foodies Bee Hive Community 😊
Come back again with me @romirspc here and today i want to share another my foodies hunter with Cita about Review of Spicy Village Chicken at Resto Ayam Desa.
Resto Ayam Desa is one of the popular family restaurant in my town, This restaurant has a special menu that is famous for a variety of processed from Ayam Kampoeng (village chicken), as a reference village chicken is different from broiler chicken in general that we often find in restaurants or often used for fast food such as KFC.
The striking difference is that the village chicken has smaller meat than broiler chicken because the village chicken naturally seeks its own food in contrast to broiler chickens that are fed and injected with various chemicals in order to grow quickly and have large meats. If seen in terms of health, village chickens are healthier than broiler chickens because the meat is natural without chemicals such as broiler chickens.

Resto Ayam Desa has a spacious place and has a beautiful decoration that makes it interesting, you can see batik art murals on the walls around the restaurant and has a green and neat garden.

This is the menu in Resto Ayam Desa, this restaurant not only has a processed menu of chicken meat but there are several new and popular menus namely PECAK GURAME and BEBEK INGKUNG.

A lot of menu offered by Resto so that makes me and Cita confused to order because all look delicious and spicy, plus we both have a hobby with spicy food. On the menu we can see a variety of processed fish such as carp, tilapia and catfish, then for the menu processed duck there INGKUNG BEBEK, BEBEK NDOWER, BEBEK GULUNG, BEBEK GEPREK and others.
Lastly, we can see processed village chicken with the name AYAM INGKUNG, AYAM ROLL, AYAM PENYET and AYAM NDOWER and some additional foods such as vegetables, Cah Kangkung, Mendoan, Tofu and Tempeh. Soon i decided to order Ayam NDOWER which is processed from village chicken meat with spicy seasonings such as cayenne pepper that makes me challenged to try it, while Cita ordered Bebek Geprek with Terasi Sambal. Besides on that we ordered Mendoan, Cah Kangkung dan Orange Juice.

After waiting while chatting with Cita, finally all our orders came and everything looked so delicious that it made me can't wait to taste it, even we get bonus sour vegetables and various types of fresh vegetables referred to as "LALAPAN".

Before starting to eat everything we took the time for a selfie, but unfortunately my hunger couldn't last so long that i started to eat it lol 😆
It's true that after tasting the chicken NDOWER spicy chicken seeped into the tongue that made me sweat but i was very addicted to the spicy taste, where the spicy savory and chewy meat made my appetite increase.
After finished eating all of them, i felt the spicy taste was not gone, even after i drank orange juice and drank a few glasses of water, but i admit cayenne pepper is the hottest chili that i ever known lol 😂
For your information all of this menu that i ordered spending around Rp.90,000 or estimated $7 USD, its very affordable price for delicious food and you can see all food that i've been ordered fullfill the table. I glad to live in Indonesia where have various delicious food with affordable price. 😇
Well, this is my foodies hunter about Review of Spicy Village Chicken at Resto Ayam Desa in my town guys. Thankyou for visiting/stopping to reading my article. Don't forget if you find this article useful/informative you can upvote, rehive/reblog guys 🙂
See you in my next story of foodies hunters 😁
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