ESP-ING. Preparando una rica sopa de pescado con calamar. @Roquiro2

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Hola que tal queridos amigo de #foodiesbeehive es un placer para mi estar la noche de hoy compartiendo con todos ustedes la elaboración de una muy rica sopa de de pescado a la cual le di un toque especial al agregarle unos ricos calamares.

Hello, how are you, dear friends of #foodiesbeehive, it is a pleasure for me to be here tonight sharing with all of you the preparation of a very delicious fish soup to which I gave a special touch by adding some delicious squid.

La sopa de pescado es algo que me gusta mucho y constantemente la hacemos en casa para nuestro almuerzo. Cabe destacar que no siempre la preparo de esta forma pero aprovechando que estos calamare me los habia regalado mi hermano quise probar a ver como quedaba y el resultado simplemente fue genial.

Fish soup is something that I like very much and we constantly make it at home for our lunch. It should be noted that I don't always prepare it this way, but taking advantage of the fact that my brother had given me these squid, I wanted to try it to see how it turned out and the result was simply great.


Ingredientes / Ingredients

  • Atún Cojinua / Cojinua Tuna
  • Calamares / Squid
  • 2 Kilo de verdura surtida / 2 Kilo of assorted vegetables
  • Plátano topocho / Topocho banana
  • Cebollas / Onions
  • Aji / Chili pepper
  • Ajo / Garlic
  • Limon / Lemon
  • Celery / celery
  • Cebollin / Chives
  • Agua / Water
  • Sal / Salt


Di inicio a mi sopa colocando al fuego una olla grande con suficiente agua y le agregue cebolla, ají y ajo.

I started my soup by placing a large pot with enough water on the fire and adding onion, chili and garlic.


Luego me encargue de pelar, picar y lavar las verduras y las reserve para agregarla una vez el agua estuviera hirviendo.

Then I took care of peeling, chopping and washing the vegetables and reserving them to add them once the water was boiling.


Terminado de preparar las verdura y con tiempo suficiente ya que el agua no habia hervido aproveche de agregarle limon y sal al pescado y también los reserve.

Finished preparing the vegetables and with enough time since the water had not boiled, take advantage of adding lemon and salt to the fish and also reserve them.


Transcurrido aproximadamente unos 15 minutos ya el agua estaba hirviendo así que aproveche a agregar las verduras y tambien le di un ligero toque de sal y la deje cocinar.

After approximately 15 minutes the water was already boiling so I took the opportunity to add the vegetables and also gave it a light touch of salt and let it cook.


Una vez la verdura estuvo algo floja incorpore el pescado seguido de los calamare y le di un ultimo toque de sal y limón y la deje cocinar por unos 10 minuto y la retire del fuego para luego servirla.

Once the vegetables were somewhat soft, add the fish followed by the squid and give it a final touch of salt and lemon and let it cook for about 10 minutes and remove it from the heat to serve it later.



Mi Sopa Lista / My Soup Ready



Queridos amigo hasta aquí mi publicacion espero haya sido de su agrado. Será hasta una nueva oportunidad. Saludos.

Dear friend, so far my publication, I hope it has been to your liking. It will be until a new opportunity. Greetings.


Wow, that soup is definitely tasty. I love it. Greetings from the Philippines!