April 19,2021
Simple recipe but delicious.
One piece of medium size of cabbage.
Wash the cabbage, slice it to small size.
Tofu is made from dried soybeans that are soaked in water, crushed, and boiled.
So tofu is good for the health.
Ok it's time to cook, heat the pan put some cooking oil wait until it warm then put the tofu wait until it's cooked then mix it just not to burn , then add the slice cabbage then add some water. Sing a song while you are cooking it add taste to recipe hehehe like Celine Dion, ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson.
Humming also just to enjoy what you are cooking. 😅
Ok, looks just fine😅
Add some salt and seasonings.
Cover it! Wait until it cooked.
Then serve and enjoy!❣️
Finish product!❣️