
We're almost able to convince ourselves Mornal means food overflowing from the plate landing on and around the table as a waitress doesn't allow the Coke Zero to get below the ice.

I remember our first few months in EU when they'd measure and weigh the portions we were like WTF?! Shortly into our adventure we're 'ahh.. ok, so that's why everyone says America is buncha obese farm animals.'

True that is, they don't like too many types of food on a single plate around here.

But oh man you wanna get invited to a french farmers for dinner after you finish apero, and 6 courses later when you think you'll explode you realize there's still dessert .

They don't stack the plates with everything here but they sure aren't shy with the portions.

You're absolutely right, I do wanna get invited to a French farmers for dinner after apero. What's apero?

Apero is all finger foods,snacks and booze. Usually around this area the snacks are pate, foie gras, saucisson and dry cured hams usually made by their own fair hands.All served with copious amounts of baguette from local boulangeries. It's a site to behold man.

If your ever in this neck of the woods there are some great places and people who will fill your belly and keep you entertained.

That sounds delicioso!

If we get our way, we'll make that happen sooner than later.