Hi @hivegame11, in this post you have used images that are from third parties, and this is not allowed in this community. I remind you of the first rule of Foodies Bee Hive:
"Post only original content (re-posting old content/translating is not considered original)."
I would like to offer you some suggestions or guidelines that may be useful for your publications in our community, so that you can make good posts:
That it be a 100% original post. We do NOT accept plagiarism and publication of old content, even if it is your own.
Posts written in English or bilingual, but English must be one of the languages used.
Post of an acceptable size, at least 350 words (minimum).
That it is a well-written post with good spelling.
That you use photographs taken by you, properly identifying the equipment used for it, either camera or cell phone. We do not accept photographs from third parties, even if they are copyright free.
In case of presenting a recipe, there is a basic structure, which obeys a logical order: An appropriate title, an introduction in which you will talk about the dish in a general way, for example, you can say whether or not it is a traditional recipe, how you learned it, on what occasions it is prepared, what you feel when preparing it, etc., this brings emotion to your recipe, and allows readers of other nationalities, to know more about your culture. A list of ingredients expressed in units of measurement that are understandable anywhere in the world, it is not good to use expressions such as: "a big potato", "a splash of oil", "a little salt", but to express these quantities in grams, liters, kilos, pounds, etc. A well-developed step-by-step, which reflects with text and photographs what is being done at each stage of the recipe. And a final result, in which you present the dish already finished and duly plating.
It is important to see you from time to time elaborating your recipes, so it is recommended that you appear in some photographs.
The photographs must be clear. Natural light is recommended, as it brings more beauty and sharpness to the photos. It is also important that the shot of the photo does not focus only on the contents of the dish, the pot, cup, container, etc., but that it is wider and shows part of the environment of the preparation, such as the board or table where it is prepared, the kitchen, etc.
- And you can orient yourself with respect to the labels in our community, there are a series of suggestions there.
In general terms these would be the features of a good post. Obviously there are other more specific elements that can be considered important, such as the layout of the publications. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask any of the Foodies curators.
It is also important to form a sense of community, so it is nice that you comment and later, vote for some posts from fellow Foodies. This creates a very positive and enjoyable interaction.
I hope this information has been useful to you.
I warmly welcome you to Hive and Foodies Bee Hive. Best regards
Saya belum begitu mengenal ecency dan dan juga baru pemula dalam hal ini ,bah kan diakun sebelumnya saya sudah membuat konten yang asli saya foto dari handphone saya ,itu juga dapat
pelanggan jadi saya bingung mau gimana dan saya lihat di postingan orang lain hampir sama denganku postingannya diambil dari sumber lain dan ditaruh sumber asli di postingan tersebut dan itu tidak menjadi plagiat bagi akun dia
Saya rasa apresiasi yang Anda miliki mengenai publikasi lain dari pengguna lain, tidak berlaku di komunitas Foodies Bee Hive, yang merupakan salah satu yang sesuai dengan komentar saya sebelumnya.
Jika Anda mengunjungi postingan Foodies lain di komunitas ini, Anda akan melihat bahwa foto mereka diambil oleh mereka dan mengidentifikasi peralatan yang mereka gunakan untuk membuatnya.
Saya mengerti bahwa Anda agak bingung tentang cara menerbitkan, untuk alasan ini saya menawarkan saran tertentu yang mungkin berguna untuk tujuan penerbitan di komunitas khusus ini; Meskipun saya pikir saya mengerti bahwa Anda menyebutkan bahwa Anda memiliki akun sebelumnya, apakah akun itu?
Jika Anda menggunakan foto yang Anda buat, harap sebutkan peralatan apa yang Anda gunakan untuk itu.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain, Anda dapat bertanya kepada salah satu kurator Foodies. Saya harap Anda memiliki minggu yang indah.
Terimakasih mungkin nanti jika memiliki kendala akan menghubungi seseorang
Semoga harimu menyenangkan
Jika boleh saya ingin meminta anda untuk mebatalkan unvote nya dan saya janji tidak akan membuat kesalahan yang sama untuk postingan berikutnya termakasih