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RE: Fish and Meat- The price of the fish had put me in shock...

You should expect to see the prices of all food increase the rest of the year. Most people don't follow food inflation news and by the time it hits, it's too late.

Global grain prices are close to the levels that caused the Arab spring in 2010. This time will be much worse and last much longer.

$35 is too much for that fish.


Yes, I knew the price will increase but suddenly the price of the fish made me shocked. Besides after spending a month, seeing the whole month expensive, I must say everything's price is doubled now...

But CNBC said inflation is transitory
So did the Fed. You aren’t suggesting they are lying 🤥

Yes, but the real question is "why are they lying". When one understands this it makes prefect sense.

cuz that's exactly what most people want..
they are bound to their worldview.. and don't want to 'know thyself' or anything around them
so they crave for media filling the spot to confirm their confirmation bias and projections...

otherwise they would be forced to evolve, work on themselves and the world around them.. forced to learn to know thyself and the world.

but they don't want that
and therefore it's logical to force everyone to pay for indoctrination :)