Good afternoon friend of this beautiful platform a little absent but back with you full of energy to show you how to prepare a delicious potato pie with chicken for the enjoyment of the family is very easy to make and comfortable.

- 6 papa grande
- 1 pechuga de pollo
- 1 crema de leche
- 250rs de queso
- 1 cebolla grande
- ajo
Condimento - sal
- mostaza
- salsa inglesa
- pimienta
- color ( solo si desea )

paso 1 / Step
Comenzamos lavando y picando las papas la llevamos a sancochar hasta que queden bien blandita, luego hacemos un puré le agregamos mantequilla y un poco de leche teniendo nuestra papá en una consistencia suave usamos un refractorio y cubrimos al fondo y todas las orillas lo llevamos al horno por 10 minutos retiramos y dejamos a la reserva
We begin by washing and chopping the potatoes and boil them until they are very soft, then we make a puree and add butter and a little milk having our potatoes in a smooth consistency we use a refractorio and cover the bottom and all the edges we take it to the oven for 10 minutes remove and leave to the reserve

Paso 2 / Step 2
De la siguiente manera vamos a prepara el pollo, tomamos la pechuga la lavamos y la cortamos en pequeños cuadritos luego corte la cebolla y el ajo lleve a sofreír la cebolla junto con el ajo por poco tiempo solo hasta cristalizar, seguidamente le coloqué el pollo y condimentos como sal, mostaza, pimienta, salsa inglesa, color (ojo el color es si deceamos) lo dejamos cocinar por 25 minutos aproximadamente cuando este casi listo le coloqué la crema de leche y lo dejé 5 minutos más hasta estar listo
In the following way we are going to prepare the chicken, take the breast, wash it and cut it into small squares, then cut the onion and garlic and fry the onion with the garlic for a short time just until it crystallizes, then I put the chicken and seasonings such as salt, mustard, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, color (eye color is if we want it) let it cook for about 25 minutes when it is almost ready I put the cream and left it 5 minutes more until it is ready.
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paso 3 / Step 3
Para culminar nuestro pastel ya teniendo nuestro pollo listo y el puré en el refractorio vamos agregarle el pollo que lo cubra todo luego lo cubrimos con el queso y lo llegamos al horno nuevamente por 10 minutos aproximadamente solo para gratinar el quese y compacta nuestro pastel, recordando que ya esta todo cocido dejamos reposar y listo para servir
To finish our cake and having our chicken ready and mashed in the refractorio let's add the chicken that covers everything then cover it with cheese and we get to the oven again for about 10 minutes just to gratin the cheese and compacts our cake, remembering that everything is cooked and let stand and ready to serve.

Esto fue la experiencia de hoy para mis amigos Espero sea de mucho provecho para ustedes es rico variar la comida y disfrutarla en familia hasta una próxima oportunidad
This was today's experience for my friends. I hope it will be of much benefit to you, it is nice to vary the food and enjoy it as a family until next time. Yum! You have been curated @sirenahippie on behalf of on #Hive. Thanks for using the #foodie tag. We are a tribe for the Foodie community with a unique approach to content and community and we are here on #Hive.
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