Prepping Homemade Vanilla Extract - by Sunscape


I've finally taken the plunge and made a large batch of Vanilla Extract. It has been something that I wanted to do for years now and I never got around to it. I started the extract on January 7th and can already smell the vanilla aroma in the jars.


I found these Madagascar Vanilla Beans on Amazon and they had great reviews. When I opened the package the vanilla beans smelled amazing.

Vanilla Extract

6 - 10 Organic Vanilla Beans
2 cups of Bourbon, Brandy, Rum or Vodka


  • Split the vanilla beans lengthwise with a sharp knife and cut them in half to fit into your jars.


  • Place the equivalent of 6 beans or more into each jar and cover them completely with your choice of Alcohol.


  • Place a cap securely on the jars and put them on the counter. You will want to shake the jars daily for a few weeks.


In a pint-sized jar, I put the majority of the beans and filled it with Vodka. The Vodka will make the truest Vanilla Extract that can be used in any recipe.

I combined White Rum and Brandy with 6 beans sliced and cut in half into a half-pint jar.

In another half-pint jar, I used only Brandy with 6 vanilla beans. It is recommended by the FDA to use 8 ounces of alcohol per 4-6 beans for safety measures.

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I opened the jars after two weeks and the extract has turned a nice golden color and has a delightful aroma already. I put the jars in the window so you could see the color and the tiny beans floating in the alcohol. I am so excited to finally have some #homemade extract for my pantry.

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  • Once the extract has reached the desired strength, Strain the liquid through a coffee filter and put the extract into dark jars for storage. Perhaps you could use the tiny beans and put them into ice cream or yogurt. I will certainly find something to use them on.

When researching how to make the #extract, many sites said to remove the Vanilla Beans from the liquid within 2 years for the best flavor. Also, the extract can be stored for 5 years without going bad.

With the high cost of pure Vanilla Extract in the markets it was time to make an initial investment and make my own. All I need to do now is be patient while the beans create a wonderful extract for far less than what I would spend at the grocery store. ;-)

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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I didn't realise vanilla extract is made with alcohol, those jars must be so intense, I imagine they will go a long way

I researched how to make it and it was so simple. I can hardly wait until I get to use some of it.

This is divine! Love the sweet scent of vanilla extract! You’re very practical and resourceful. I would never know how to start making my own vanilla extract. Perhaps I should grow some vanilla plants. I already have a coco plant, all my coffee plants died in the flood. Perhaps I should try one more time on higher ground.

You should definitely replant on higher ground some of your favorites. I wonder if a vanilla plant would grow there.

Did you see the post I made about using distilled water and the alcohol because vanilla has components that are compatible to alcohol but also has just as many that are compatible to water. You get ALL of the flavor out doing this. You can tell it works because the liquid turns a deep dark brown. But the water must be added in the beginning because the alcohol can harden the beans.

I've never tried any thing besides Everclear or vodka.

I did see your post and forgot you said you added water. All the research I did, not one said to add water so I left it out. I should have listened to you. It's probably too late since it is two weeks now, right? How long did you let your extract marinate?

I have never seen the vanilla pod here, but I always see them on cooking shows.

I ordered them from Amazon and they were perfect. I'm so excited to be making my own.

What a wonder Amazon is, you can order so many things.

Wow seems a not easy process, good job I never try to made homemade extracts must be a cool experience and a different taste.

Making vanilla extract from scratch will be very rewarding when it is finished.

Wow, homemade vanilla extract! That sounds amazing and so much better than store-bought, besides, it's cheaper too.

I bet it smells divine!