Chef me🤭

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


It's been a while since I actually made home cooked food. Being a student and away from my parents made me dread cooking as I got used to eating from restaurants but today, I saw a video on YouTube where a lady prepared a good looking pasta and it made me salivate yearning for some and so I had to get cooking. Lol

I went to a nearby market to get the veggies I used as I don't like my pasta to be without veggies.

I bought carrots, green beans and some lemon basil. I already had pasta at home so there was no need getting that, I also bought eggs to serve as protein.


Fresh tomatoes
Green beans
Garlic (love the flavor)
Plum Tomato
Chili peppers
Groundnut Oil
Spicy cubes
Shrimps(I blended them)

Getting on with the cooking, it seemed a bit difficult as chopping the veggies was stressing me out but I had to do it😩.


Steps on how I went about my cooking: don't worry I didn't need a YouTube video to make this, I made it out of my own recipe and method.

Pour the oil in the pot. When the oil is a little hot, add your onions and fry for a minute.
Add your plum tomato and deep fry while stirring continuously to get rid of the tangy taste. Some plum tomatoes do have this tangy taste and if not fried properly end up ruining the taste of the food so you have to be very cautious of that.


Next you add your neatly chopped fresh tomatoes and leave to cook for two minutes on low heat to avoid getting burnt. When that's done, I added some of the chopped carrots(not all) , added my spices, stirred well before pouring in a half a cup of water and left to boil before adding my parboiled pasta. I parboil my pasta to get rid of the starch it carries as the one I used wasn't gluten free.

After adding the pasta, mix well, add a little more water and cover to cook. When the water is almost dry pour in the remaining carrot and green beans, stir well, leave on low heat for a minute then add your lemon basil for a nice aroma, turn off heat and your food is ready to be served.

Note: cook on low heat to avoid the food getting burnt.

All images are mine


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The food looks good, and I hope it tastes good too, pal @teknon, too bad I can't enjoy the taste,,,,
But I'm sure the taste 👍👍👍

Thank you so much 🥰, trust me it tasted really good.

I wish I can cook well like you. You did a great job! In the Philippines, the sauce is commonly with the hint of sweet. !PIZZA

I feel flattered but thanks for your compliment babe☺️.

the sauce is commonly with the hint of sweet

That's a good thing right?

Thanks for stopping by and thank you for the pizza. It's so yummy 🤭


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