Hello there,
Today, I prepared this delicious and palatable meal to quench my hunger and craving. I love rice and beans, in fact, it is my favourite food. But for some times now, I haven't eaten it so, I decided to prepare it today.
Do you taste it? Trust me, it's really really delicious and nutritious. I bet you are even salivating at the sight of it🤩.
Ingredients and Procedures Used in Preparing the Rice and Beans
The ingredients are
- Rice
- Beans
- Maggi
- Pepper
- Palm Oil
- Crayfish
- Onions
- Salt
- Pumpkin Leaves
- Dry Fish
That's all the ingredients I employed in preparing the meal. I prepared it in the local way. I'm from Nigeria for the records. Here's how I prepared the food.
- Separately parboil both rice and beans and wash them thoroughly
Then, boil the beans first till it begins to soften and then pour in your rice
Add all the above ingredients except the sliced pumpkin leaves in their right proportions
Stir till everything mixes together
Boil for some times till the water begins to dry off
Add your pumpkin leaves and palm oil
When the water dries completely, your rice and beans is ready.
Hope this rice and beans remain? I am coming to your house to get my own share. 🚶