Korean Fried Chicken
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Hi, everybody. Today,I'm going to make Korean fried chicken. Crunchy fried chicken coated with seasoning sauce. Sometimes spicy, sometimes sweet. But today's version is a little sweet and also spicy. The color is red. In Korean, yangnyeom-tongdak, or yangnyeom chicken. 2 pounds of chicken wings. Korean fried chicken is double fried.Fry once, After that, one more time, so that it's really,really crunchy. Without the crunchiness, it is not Korean fried chicken. 1/2 teaspoon salt. And 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper. This is potato starch. 1/2 cup.Whole-wheat flour, but you can use all-purpose flour. 1/4cup. And this chicken will be a little bit breaded. I will add a baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon.
And2 eggs. Before mixing this, I like to wash my hands. My oil is really heated now.And mix this. We didn't add any water here.Mix all thistogether. And keep mixing. Okay, this is now 330 Fahrenheit. Coat this with as much batter as you can. When you finish all of these things, there should not be any leftover batter. (water running) Whenever I make fried chicken, I need these 2 guys. 2 guys are so protecting. Long tongs and a slotted spoon. See? They are floating. Split this. I'm cooking for 12 minutes. So I have lots of time. What am I going to do? I'm making sauce! 3 cloves of garlic. (knife tapping) Let's mince. Okay, minced garlic.
Let's turn on the heat. I'm making sauce right now, and I'm heating up my pan. Some cooking oil and garlic. (water running) And moving it around. And stir this. This is tomato ketchup.1/3 cup. (pan sizzling) Rice syrup.Same amount. 1/3cup. (pan sizzling) And vinegar, 2 teaspoons. And then,just to make it spicy, add Korean gochu jang. Hot pepper paste. 1/4 cup. Stir this well.So now, the bubbles arecoming up. And turn off. I'm going to cover this. I fried for 12 minutes. Let's take out all this chicken. Looks nice, doesn't it? I'm going to keep heating this oil because the temperature is a little lower. You will see a lot of foam is created. I like to remove this foam. It was really, really crunchy-looking, but already it's a little bit soggy.
You see? Can you see? That's why we need to double fry. (oil sizzling) From now, I'm going to keep rotating and moving this chicken and for another 12 minutes. (oil crackling) Reheat. Turn off. Light golden-brown right now.Really crunchy-looking. First fry, second fry, 12 minutes, 12 minutes. And my sauce is ready here. Why do you need double fry? After the first fry it looks very crunchy outside, but still inside is a lot of hot steam. There is no place for the hot steam to get out.
So this second time frying is going to remove all
this steam, and also make it really crunchy. Okay, 12minutes done, and let's take out. See? So crunchy. Let's coat. Turn on the heat. Add directly, like this. Nice. Wow.A lot, a lot. Happy! And last touch, sesame seeds,toasted sesame seeds. It depends on how much you will add around 1 tablespoon. See, all this sauce,
we used it up. NIce. Really nice ratio. Good amount. This coating sauce is exactly the right amount, not too much or not too little. Right amount. Good. Good.Here you go. When you make this chicken,be sure to make this chicken mu, pickled radish.
When you go to a Korean chicken place, they always serve this. I made this with 1 pound of radish. This recipe is so easy. You can find the recipe on my website. So pickled radish and yangnyeom-tongdak, and we need some drink, water or beer, or children, for you guys some kind of soda, or water. I will have some Korean beer this time. It's a Hite Extra Cold. Extra Cold. If I put it at room temperature, it can't be extra cold, but the name is Extra Cold. lsn't it funny? Cheers, everybody. Wow.
Cold and good. Chicken. Okay. See. Look at that. Mmm.Mmm. Crunchy, but it's like a little bit cookie, you know?Once I chew this, it's broken in kind of a nice way. Mmm.Spicy, sweet, and really tangy. It tastes a little like a cookie. You can throw a good party with this. Today, we made yangnyeom-tongdak, or yangnyeom chicken.
Enjoy my recipe. See you next time. Bye.
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