Hi my foodie friends.
Let's take a peek at this afternoon snack.
Namely, home-style Palembang empek-empek.
Let's take a look at this simple manufacturing process.
Please support, friends.
Thank you
Hai sahabat ku pecinta kuliner.
Yuk kita intip cemilan sore ini.
Yaitu empek-empek Palembang ala rumahan ya.
Ayuk disimak proses pembuatan yang simple ini.
Mohon di dukung ya teman teman.
Ingredients :
- 100 gr fish meat that has been separated from the bones
- 80 gr wheat flour
*1 tsp salt - 150 gr tapioca flour
*1/4 tsp flavoring
*1 tsp Sugar - 2 cloves of garlic sliced
*150 cc of clean water
*1 egg
Material contents :
*2 boiled eggs
Vinegar Ingredients: - 30 gr brown sugar
- 15 grams of tamarind
- 3 pieces of cayenne pepper
*2 cloves of garlic - 1 tbsp Ebi / dried shrimp
*250 cc of clean water
*1 tbsp sugar
Step: - Prepare a blender, add fish meat and garlic * Add a little water, blend it finely. set aside.
- Boil 150cc of water add salt, sugar, flavoring, cook until boiling, turn off the heat, stir well. Enter the flour little by little while stirring evenly.
- Set aside to cool to room temperature.
After the flour mixture is cold, add the fish meat that has been in the blender, mix well, add the eggs, mix well again, add the tapioca flour, mix well, don't knead it, it will get tough. Just stir until you can pick it up and it doesn't stick to your hands. - give enough water. Cook until the water boils add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Also prepare the contents of the boiled egg, split into 4 parts / according to taste, split 2, no problem. coat hands with flour, take the dough empek-empeknya. Flatten it in your hands then take 1 egg and put it in the middle then glue it lengthwise, like a ship. Put it in boiling water. Do this until the dough runs out. Cook 15 minutes. Remove and drain
Prepare a frying pan, give enough cooking oil, wait for the hot oil, add 1 teaspoon of tapioca flour, mix well, the goal is that when frying the oil does not fly on us.
Then enter the empek-empek to taste, fry until yellow and cooked, remove and drain.
Make the vinegar gravy. Puree the chili, garlic and ebi, until smooth, put in a pot of water, and also add brown sugar, granulated sugar, acid, cook until boiling and sugar dissolves, remove and strain.
Cut the cucumber like for pickle. Cut the empek-empek put on a serving plate with the cucumber, flush with the vinegar sauce.
So delicious.
Bahan-bahan :
*100 gr daging ikan yg sudah dipisahkan dari tulang nya
*80 gr tepung terigu
*1 sdt garam
*150 gr tepung tapioka
*1/4 sdt penyedap rasa
*1 sdt Gula pasir
*2 siung bawang putih diiris
*150 cc air bersih
*1 butir telur ayam
Bahan isi :
*2 butir telur rebus
Bahan kuah cuka:
*30 gr gula merah
*15 gr asam jawa
*3 buah cabe rawit
*2 siung bawang putih
*1 sdm Ebi /udang kering
*250 cc air bersih
*1 sdm gula pasir
*Siapkan blender masukkan daging ikan dan bawang putih *tambahkan sedikit air,belender halus. sisihkan.
*Rebus air 150cc tambahkan garam,gula pasir,penyedap rasa, masak sampai mendidih matikan api aduk rata.masukkn tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil di adok2 rata.
*Sisihkan biarkan dingin suhu ruangan.
Setelah adonan tepung dingin masukkan daging ikan yg sudah di blender tadi aduk rata masukkan telur aduk rata lagi, masukkan tepung tapioka aduk rata, jangan di uleni, nanti bisa keras empek-empeknya. Di aduk rata saja sampai bisa di pungut tidak lengket di tangan.
*kasih air secukupnya. Masak sampai air mendidih masukkan 1 sendok makan Minyak sayur. Siapkan juga isinya telur rebus belah menjadi 4 bagian / sesuai selera belah 2 jg tidak masalah. lumuri tangan dengan tepung terigu, ambil adonan empek-empeknya. pipihkan di tangan kemudian ambil 1 potong telur taruh di tengah kemudian rekatkan memanjang, seperti kapal.masukkan kedalam air yg mendidih. *Lakukan hingga adonan habis.masak 15 menit.angkat tiriskan
Siapkan wajan beri minyak goreng secukupnya tunggu minyak panas masukkan 1 sendok teh tepung tapioka aduk rata,tujuannya agar saat menggoreng minyak tidak terbang mengenai kita.
Kemudian masukkan empek-empeknya secukupnya, goreng sampai kuning dan matang angkat tiriskan.
Buat kuah cuka nya. Haluskan cabe,bawang putih dan ebi,sampai halus, masukkan kedalam panci beri air, dan masukkan juga gula merah,gula pasir, asamnya, masak sampai mendidih dan gula larut, angkat dan saring.
Potong timunnya seperti buat acar. Potong empek-empeknya taruh piring saji bersama timunnya, siram dengan kuah cukanya.
Sungguh lezat.
good recipe 👍🏻👍🏻, now non Indonesian people can know this typical Indonesian dish...