Omiljeno Srpsko jelo"Rostilj" - Favorite Serbian dish "Rostilj"

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago


Pozdrav prijatelji i ljubitelji hrane, danas Tata kuvar pravi omiljeno Srpsko jelo "Rostilj". Srbija je poznata u svetu po najboljem Rostilju. U Srbiji svako kaze da je njegov Rostilj najbolji i da je on najbolji majstor za Rostilj.
I stvarno, gde god pravili Rostilj u svetu treba da imate dobrog majstora za Rostilj, neko ko se razume u spremanju mesa, a i u pecenju, i u lozenju vatre. Najbolji majstori znaju da naprave ribu na Rostilju.

Hello friends and food lovers, today Dad chef is making his favorite Serbian dish "Rostilj". Serbia is known in the world for the best Rostilj. In Serbia, everyone says that his Rostilj is the best and that he is the best master of Rostilj. And really, wherever you make a Rostilj in the world, you should have a good master for the Rostilj, someone who understands cooking meat, and roasting and lighting fires. The best masters know how to make fish on the Grill.



Najbolji Rostilj pravi se na cumuru, to je najbolji i najfiniji ugalj na svetu. Ja za danas ga nemam vec drvo hrasta, bagrema. Prvo treba spremiti meso i staviti u marinadu ili kako se kod nas zove pac.

The best Rostilj is made on cumur, it is the best and finest coal in the world. I don't have an oak or acacia tree for today. First you need to prepare the meat and put it in the marinade or as it is called pac in our country.



Marinadu treba spremiti par sati ranije da bi meso pokupilo ukuse i mirise i da bi se omeksalo. U veci sud dodati ulje suncokretovo, neko sirce, so biber, luk u prahu, sezonski zacin, to je najjednostavnije, a vi pustite mastu i pravite.

The marinade should be prepared a couple of hours earlier to allow the meat to pick up flavors and aromas and to soften it. In a large bowl, add sunflower oil, some vinegar, salt, pepper, onion powder, seasonal spice, it's the simplest, and you let the fat and make.



Ja sam odabrao svinjsko meso od vrata, pilece krilca, cevape, malo rostiljske kobasice, i da probamo da pecemo krompir. Krompir se opere vodom i uvije u kuhinjsku foliju i pece se kao meso.

I chose pork neck, chicken wings, cevape, a little barbecue sausage, and to try to bake potatoes. The potatoes are washed with water and wrapped in kitchen foil and baked like meat.



Prvo se pece svinjsko meso, jer njemu treba duze vremena da se pece i jaca vatra, krompir se pece svo vreme, zatim kobasica, pa na kraju pileca krilca i zadnje cevapi. Mozete iseci glavicu crnog luka i redjati u sud gde vadite przeno meso, red mesa red luka. Zaklopiti sud i promesati , luk se od toplote omeksa i malo proprzi. Jesti Rostilj sa takvim lukom je izvrsno. Kada ispecete svo meso, prelijte ga sa marinadom sto je ostala. Sluzi kao izvrstan sos.

First the pork is roasted, because it takes longer to roast and the fire is stronger, the potatoes are roasted all the time, then the sausage, and finally the chicken wings and the last cevapi. You can cut a head of onion and arrange in a bowl where you take out the fried meat, a row of meat a row of onions. Close the pan and stir, soften the onion from the heat and fry a little. Eating a Rostilj with such onions is great. When you have roasted all the meat, pour the remaining marinade over it. Serves as an excellent sauce.


Krompir je gotov kada mozete da ga probodete viljuskom. Rostilj je gotov, mozete da uzivate u ovom specijalitetu, naravno uz porodicu ili dobro drustvo.

The potatoes are ready when you can pierce them with a fork. The Rostilj is ready, you can enjoy this specialty, of course with family or good company.



Najbolje pice uz Rostilj je hladno pivo, a moze i hladan gazirani sok, ili gazirana voda. Uzivajte i prijatno, do sledece Tatine kuhinje, pozdravlja vas Tata kuvar.

The best drink with a Rostilj is cold beer, and you can also drink cold carbonated juice or carbonated water. Enjoy and enjoy, until Dad's next kitchen, Dad's chef greets you.






ijaoooo rostilj pa opet me nisi zvao strasno stvarno ne znam sta cu vise sa tobom

Ovo samo za strumpfove,Drugi put

hvala hvala nemogu pregladneo sam

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