Greetings friends of this prestigious group thanks to you for allowing me to share with you my posts of my daily life, today I am going to tell you about the baba stew.
Saludos amigos de este prestigioso grupo ,gracias a ustedes por permitirme compartir con ustedes mis post de mi vida a diario,hoy les voy hablar del guiso de baba.
The baba or babo, is from the fresh water, family of the Spectacled Caiman is a small crocodile that inhabits the Venezuelan plains. It is very common to see it on the banks of estuaries and lagoons, yesterday my husband in the field we visited gave him a kilo of meat baba some fishermen who were in that area at first to see the meat I did not like much but after my husband prepared it I noticed that it did not look so bad what he prepared where he gave me to taste his delicious stew well seasoned and aliniado, people who live in the field consume it in different ways in stew, croquettes and make some delicious pies.
La baba o babo, es del agua dulce,familia del Caimán de Anteojos es un pequeño cocodrilo que habita en las llanuras venezolanas. Es muy común verle en las orillas de esteros y lagunas,en el dia de ayer a mi esposo en el campo que visitamos le regalaron un kilo de carne de baba unos pescadores que estaban en esa zona a principio al ver la carne no me gusto mucho pero despues que mi esposo la preparo observe que no se veia tan mal lo que preparo donde me dio a provar de su delicioso guiso bien condimentado y aliniado,las personas que habitan en el campo la consumen de diferentes maneras en guiso, croquetas y realizan unas delicoosas empanadas.
Los alinios que utilizo para aliniar fueron cebolla,ajies,tomate,ajo,aceite onotado sal al gusto y comino.
The ingredients I used were onion, chili peppers, tomato, garlic, olive oil, salt to taste and cumin.
The way to prepare it was very easy I put the kilo of meat in a pot with enough water and salt to taste to soften then I grind it and with the allinios I put it to slurp with the same water where I put it to soften I put a little bit to let the meat cook for 20 minutes and then accompany it with white rice and make some delicious stew empanadas.
El modo de preparacion fue muy facil coloco el kilo de carne en una olla con suficiente agua y sal al gusto para hablandar luego lo esmecho y con los alinios lo puso a sorfreir con la misma agua donde se coloco hablandar le coloco un poquito para asi dejar que la carne se cocinara por 20 minutos para despues acompanarla con arroz blancoy hacer unas deliciosas empanadas de guiso.
The photographs were captured with my samsung galaxy phone at 10s, I hope you like it to continue sharing a little more with you, God bless you greatly.
Las fotografias las capture con mi telefono galaxy samsung a 10s,espero que le guste para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes,Dios los bendiga grandemente.
So this is crocodile meat? 😳
Hello @shawnnft greetings this is meat of a reptile family of the crocodile but it is not crocodile.
Oh I see then what animal actually