I am definitely gonna give this a try, one day soon, using fresh eggs from my twin sister's happy chickens. I need some lemon though and Dijon mustard ( I take it that the latter - a classic - is okay? healthy and all? ).
I also learnt, by reading this, that what we call 'staafmixer' in Dutch, is called an immersion blender by you guys.
Cheers for sharing this easy recipe. One reason I had to read this, is that I had some mediocre french fries with packaged mayo and ketchup ( an exception ), at a river beach terrace, yesterday afternoon.
Cheers from Portugal!
Hey I learnt a new Dutch word! I'm going to show off my new word to my mother in law (she speaks fluent Dutch 😋). I hope you like it! I actually make it without lemon and dijon all the time (when I run out). Sometimes I'll substitute the lemon for apple cider vinegar, or the dijon for regular mustard for something with a little spice, like chives.
Apple cider vinegar. Nice one. I usually got a bottle of that in stock or some other type of vinegar. And, talking about apples, I was about to make easy 'appelmoes' ( there's another Dutch word for you(r mom in law ) so perhaps I should just use some freshly pressed apple juice instead.
Will let you know when I actually get around to making this.
Have an awesome day!
Groetjes ;<)
Haha I'm loving the lessons in Dutch.