I will never ever forget the BBQ night at Astor Valley with my colleagues. Astor Valley is surrounded by big Mountains and greenery. It was the perfect place for a night of fun, jokes, and tasty barbecue. It was awesome. we did this BBQ during our tour that was sponsored by our company.
Here is the link to my post about my tour to Astor Valley.
Amazing BBQ Night with Friends at Astor Valley!"
We were getting excited about the night as the sun set behind the hills, making Astor Valley all warm and beautiful. We all gathered at the location our company had selected for the evening. The views of the valley was very beautiful, the sun was setting down and we were in the middle of the valley covered by green grass, like meadows. The evening was really nice because everyone felts like a big team. We felt even more bonded because we were in the peaceful area of Astor Valley and now it was the time to start our BBQ.
we had enough time, so we placed meat for marination as marinating the meat can add extra flavor. The process of marination is very easy, all you need is ingredients like soy sauce, garlic, spices, and oil. Let it marinate for at least 30 minutes to an hour. we marinated meat for more than 1 hour. We placed the meat on the preheated grill and make sure the grill was hot before we started cooking to get those nice grill marks.
Our barbecue night turned into a team effort. Everyone did their job. Every buddy brought their special grilling talents. We worked together to set up the grills, get the ingredints ready, and decide on assigned responsibilities. Our shared goal was to prepare a delicious lunch.
We Grilled the meat until it reached our desired levels of doneness. We Make sure to flip it halfway through the cooking process to ensure it is well-cooked. It was our first time after all we made a lot of mistakes but in the end, it was delicious.
The meat was well-cooked, it was juice and spicy, a little bit more spicy but we ate it with joy alonng with cold drinks.
The BBQ night at Astor Valley was really special for me and for everyone else. It went beyond just beyond our imaginations, and work and let us connect with our colleagues on a personal level. The view was amazinng, the meal was great, and being together made it a night we will never forget. That was one of those nights that will live on in our hearts for a very long period of time.
Looks like heaven to me. Enjoy!