
You should. 😁❤️

How are you? All good?

Actually I was thinkink of you not so long ago because I saw some photos of our friend that has a van similar with yours and I was thinking like..."ohhh I saw something on xsasj's post". He also likes to go camping with his rulotte. He's from Switzerland.

I hope everything is well there.

Heey I am good! Slowly making my way to Nice. Thanks for asking! How are you doing?

This vans are going to be more and more popular! Campers used to be for old people in Holland but that's changing so quickly!

There's a lot going on in my life right now and lets just say I'm fine...mauybe I'll tell you more other time, but right now I'm not feeling at my best.

Enjoy your trip to Nice, cant wait to see some snaps of your lovely trip.

And yes,agree on the fact that these vans are becoming more and more popupar. 😃

Stay safe 🥰

Oh no :(
I hope you will feel better soon. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will be here for you!

Appreciate it! 🥰🥰🤗🤗