Hello dear community I hope you are very well once again I am here with you, after a few months of being with health problems and without internet, thank God I am here with you again my beautiful family that has supported me with so much love and darling. Today I bring you a new recipe with love for you to make together with your family and friends. As you already saw in the title, it is about some delicious empanadas that we consume so much here in Venezuela filled with what we like the most. It is one of our most typical street foods. I hope you like it and can support me as always.

Ingredientes para la masa:
2 Tazas Harina de maíz (pan)
3 cucharaditas de Azúcar
1 cucharada de Sal
1 Taza Harina de trigo
Ingredients for the dough:
2 Cups Cornmeal (bread)
3 teaspoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
1 cup wheat flour

Preparación de la masa:
Se coloca agua en un bol, le agregas sal y azúcar que no quede tan dulce. Luego vas incorporando la harina pan y por último harina de trigo. Se amasa hasta que mezcle todo poco a poco. Si le falta agua vas incorporando hasta tener un maza suave y homogénea que no se pegue de las manos.
Preparation of the dough:
Water is placed in a bowl, you add salt and sugar that is not so sweet. Then you add the bread flour and finally wheat flour. Knead until everything is mixed little by little. If it lacks water, you will incorporate until you have a smooth and homogeneous hammer that does not stick from the hands.

Ingredientes del pollo desmechado:
1/4 Pechuga de pollo
1/2 Cebolla
1/2 de cubito de pollo
Ajo troceado
salsa de tomate
Salsa inglesa
Salsa de soya
Shredded chicken ingredients:
1/4 chicken breast
1/2 onion
1/2 of chicken cube
Chopped garlic
English sauce
Soy sauce

Primero ponemos a hervir el pedazo de pechuga hasta que ablandé para poder desmechar
First we boil the piece of breast until softened to be able to shred

Then we shred it with two forks, we add it in the same consommé where it boiled, we add the onion, pepper, chicken cube, oregano, tomato sauce, garlic, soy and English sauce, stir and let it cook until it evaporates the water and voila.

Preparación de las empanadas:
En tabla le ponemos una bolsa de arroz, le pasamos un poco de aceite por arriba y luego agarramos un poco de masa del tamaño de nuestra mano la volvemos bolita y aplanamos con la palma de la mano que no quede la masa tan gruesa ni tan delgada, luego le agregamos el relleno, doblamos a la mitad y con la ayuda de una taza le hacemos la forma de media luna.
Preparation of the empanadas:
On the table we put a bag of rice, we pass a little oil on top and then we grab a little dough the size of our hand, we turn it into a ball and flatten with the palm of the hand that the dough is not so thick or so thin , then we add the filling, fold it in half and with the help of a cup we make the shape of a half moon.

In a frying pan we add plenty of oil, preheat and then fry the patty very carefully so that it does not break. We brown well on one side and on the other.

We let the oil drain in a pasta strainer and a plate and voila we have a delicious empanada, it can be accompanied with bread and your favorite drink. Thanks for reading. See you in a new recipe.

Nunca me cansaré de comer empanadas, son tan ricas y perfectas, gracias por compartir tu receta, se ven muy buenas, saludos 😋