El calabacín es una hortaliza muy sana, recomendada para una dieta balanceada y combinada con los chorizos hacen de esta receta una combinación excelente para un delicioso almuerzo o cena; es rápida de cocinar y se puede comer con arroz hervido, pasta, pan o galletas. Espero les guste y lo disfruten estimados amigos de #Hive.
Zucchini is a very healthy vegetable, recommended for a balanced diet and combined with the chorizos make this recipe an excellent combination for a delicious lunch or Dinner; it is quick to cook and can be eaten with boiled rice, pasta, bread or crackers. I hope you like it and enjoy it dear friends of #Hive.

Ingredientes / Ingredients: 🔪
Ingredientes / Ingredients: 🔪
- 1 calabacín, 2 chorizos, 2 ajíes dulces, 2 pimentones, 1 ramito de cebollín, sal al gusto, pimienta entera, aceite de oliva, agua.
- 1 Zucchini, 2 chorizos, 2 sweet peppers, 2 bell pepper, 1 sprig of chives, salt to taste, whole pepper, olive oil, water.

Preparación / Preparation: 🍆
Preparación / Preparation: 🍆
- Lavamos y cortamos en rodajas el calabacín, los pimentones, ajíes dulces y cebollín lo cortamos en trocitos.
- Wash and cut the zucchini, bell pepper, sweet peppers and chives into slices.
- En un sartén, agregamos un chorrito de aceite de oliva y calentamos, añadimos el cebollín, ajíes dulces y pimentón, mezclamos y sofreímos por 3 min.
- In a pan, add a splash of olive oil and heat, add the chives, sweet peppers and bell pepper, mix and fry for 3 min .
- Agregamos las rodajas de calabacín.
- Add the zucchini slices.
- Cortamos los chorizos en rodajas.
- Cut the chorizos into slices.
- Agregamos los chorizos al sartén.
- Add the chorizos to the pan.
- Añadimos 1 taza de agua.
- We add 1 cup of water.
- Mezclamos, tapamos y dejamos cocinar por 15 min a fuego medio.
- Mix, cover and let cook for 15 min over medium heat.


The photos are my property taken with my Blu G60 Smartphones cell phone
The gifs were created by the ToonMe.app program and EzGifMaker

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What you showed us here is really good. I can add this to my diet food list.
My doctor told me to go on a diet and to reach 65 kilos, so everything I eat is just veggies.
It is hard to plan my meals since we are meat lovers and rice is life for us Filipinos.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep healthy!
Love lots,
My husband and I love chorizos hehehe! It's the easiest food to cook here in #AbuDhabi #UAE So, we are so used to it. With the thousands of menus and recipes here on #Hive with #Foodie content, I'm learning so much and not worried anymore of what to prepare. @erelasblog
Thank you very much nice words friend. I like to cook everything, like mixed and I like to create recipes for all tastes, whether they are vegetarian or not, there is always something to learn and vary the ingredients, greetings from Venezuela @erelasblog
Amazing recipe dear! You share me the kind of easy way to adapt, most of ingredients and veggie that you use is what I also had in the fridge. I am sure your recipe is absolutely delicious. Thank you!
Thank you very much friend, you have to prepare them and you will see the delicious result, greetings @mich.brmey
Leí el post y me parece genial esta combinación de sabores ya que en si mismos cada uno contiene un sabor muy particular que juntos son como la convención perfecta entre una proteína y un vegetal saludos
Muchas gracias @loschikilukings, es verdad lo que dices, es una combinación muy sabrosa y balanceada. Que tengas feliz inicio de semana.