A la hora de preparar algo diferente y rápido la berenjena es una gran aliada. Este fin de semana comeré pastel de berenjena y atún; es una combinación muy agradable, deliciosa que tiene que preparar y degustar. Aquí les dejo mi receta estimados amigos de #Hive, espero lo disfruten.
When it comes to preparing something different and fast, the eggplant is a great ally. This weekend I will eat eggplant and tuna pie; It is a very nice, delicious combination that you have to prepare and taste. Here is my recipe dear friends of #Hive, I hope you enjoy it.

Ingredientes / Ingredients: 🍆
Ingredientes / Ingredients: 🍆
- 1 berenjena, 1 taza de guiso de atún, 1 taza de salsa bechamel, 200 gramos de queso mozzarella, 1 cucharada de sal.
- 1 aubergine, 1 cup of tuna stew, 1 cup of bechamel sauce, 200 grams of mozzarella cheese, 1 tablespoon of salt.

Preparación / Preparation: 🔪
Preparación / Preparation: 🔪
- Pelar la berenjena.
- Peel the eggplant.
- Cortar la berenjena en rebanadas.
- Cut the eggplant into slices.
- En un envase agregar agua y añadir la sal.
- In a container add water and add salt.
- Colocar las rebanadas en el agua con sal por 15 minutos.
- Put the slices in the salted water for 15 minutes.
- Colocar en el fondo del molde una capa de salsa bechamel.
- Place a layer of bechamel sauce on the bottom of the mold.
- Colocar una capa de berenjena.
- Place a layer of eggplant.
- Agregar el guiso de atún.
- Add the tuna stew.
- Añadir el queso rallado.
- Add the grated cheese.
- Colocar otra capa de berenjena.
- Place another layer of eggplant.
- Alternar hasta terminar con la capa de salsa bechamel y queso.
- Alternate until you finish with the bechamel sauce and cheese layer.
- Hornear por 30 minutos.
- Bake for 30 minutes.


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The photos are my property taken with my Blu G60 Smartphones cell phone
The gifs were created by the ToonMe.app program and EzGifMaker

Oh my god this is really a wonderful recipe I love eggplants and o have many now in my garden so every recipe with it it's so yummy and I love tuna too, I never mixed them together but look like a great choice of ingredients!🤩
I'm glad you have your eggplant planting, they really are delicious, very healthy and we can make many recipes, greetings and happy day friend
Se ve muy bueno amiga, me encanta la berenjena. Gracias por compartir.Un abrazo.
Quedó muy sabroso @josief27, te las recomiendo hacer, un saludo.
Look perfect and yummy, I think I can eat two serving of it. Good evening!
Thank you very much friend @afterglow
You're welcome (^_^)