Hello beautiful people of the Hive community, how happy I am to be here again sharing content with you, today I bring you a recipe that many of you will like, without further ado let's begin
1 pollo
2 Cebolla
4 Dientes de ajo
3 Papas
Caldo de pollo
Oregano al gustó
Sal al gustó
1 chicken
2 onions
4 cloves of garlic
3 potatoes
Chicken broth
Oregano to taste
Salt to taste
✓ Chop the chicken, potato, onion and peel the garlic cloves.
✓Heat a little oil in a pot and fry the onions with the garlic.
✓Add onoto and salt to what we are frying, and then add the chicken (leave until the seasoning is browned).
Add 2 cup of chicken broth (close the lid of the pot to let it boil).
✓When boiling, add the potatoes (already chopped) and oregano to taste.
✓Allow the potatoes to speak and the stew to dry a little.
And ready, bon appetit
An easy, quick and tasty lunch, nothing like a home-cooked meal.
Se ve muy rico tu guiso 😍
Graciass, estaba muy rico