I was engulfed in making my new thought recipe amazing using the available cocoyam at home, instead of just boiling and eat, I decided to make cocoyam porridge.
Ingredients for preparation
ocimum leaf
palm oil
blended pepper
Preparation process
Peel gently the back of all the cocoyam to be used in the meal preparation using a knife as seen below
Cut your cocoyam into small sizes(variation depends on you), and put in a neat container as seen below
Get your pot, place on hot plate or stove, as the case may be with you, rinse your cocoyam very well and put in your boiling water and leave it to boil for 15 to 20 minutes(the texture of the cocoyam will determine if 15 or 20 minutes) and the source of energy also matters as described below,
Cut your ocimum leaf into smaller and lovely sizes
Chop your onion into sizes
After fifteen minutes of boiling your cocoyam, sieve the water and add your ocimum(scent/aromatic leaf), add the blended pepper, add palm oil, add your chopped onion, add maggi and salt, then add a little water for everything to steam together
Cover pot and allow to steam for another five minutes, after which you can stir together, food is ready, serve with any form of fish or meat or any additive you are satisfied with or take just as it is like myself.
@foodiesbeehive @foodiesunite @zord189 @leslierevales @leoumesh @artmedina @ladyfont @threeleggedbunny @adeyemidrey my brother and so many others that has inspired me in the foodies bee hive community that I didnt mention, thanks a million time
Wow, looks like it's tasty! Here in our country we also use yam as ingredient in a popular snack called ginataan or "binignit". And I commend you for turning an ordinary crop into something special. Well done!
Thanks , you are an inspiration to me
It's such an honor 💕
Thank you