hello food friends today I want to share with you an exotic and nutritious recipe for all your mornings and evenings, that you can share at any time and if you have your essential foods at home you can make it.
- medio calabacin
- 1 cebolla redonda
- sal
- 2 huevos
- ajos
- panpita
- queso si gustan
- half a zucchini
- 1 round onion
- salt
- 2 eggs
- garlic
- panpita
- cheese if you like
Proceso/ process
1. - primero pelamos los ajos y machacamos bien con la piedra, luego lavamos el calabacin y le retiramos la concha para luego picarla en cuadritos al igual que la cebolla la lavamos y picamos.
1. - First we peel the garlic and crush it well with the stone, then we wash the zucchini and remove the shell and then chop it into cubes as well as the onion, wash it and chop it.
2. - luego colocamos en un budar las panpitas hasta que esten doraditas, posteriormente colocamos a calentar un sarten con aceite y agregamos el ajo, calabacin y cebollla para luego agregar los dos huevo ya con sal al gusto y batidos, lo agregamos en la mezcla y esperamos que quede como una torta o omellete. para luego emplatarlo.
2. - then we put the panpitas in a frying pan until they are golden brown, then we heat a pan with oil and add the garlic, zucchini and onion and then add the two eggs with salt to taste and beaten, we add it to the mixture and we hope that it is like a cake or omellete. and then emplatarlo.
Y Listo queridísimos amigos , así quedan este riquísimo burrito con omellete, gracias a todos por leerme y apoyarme
And ready my dear friends, this is how this delicious burrito with omellete looks like, thanks to all of you for reading and supporting me.
All photos are my property