hello dear friends of the community today I want to share with you a recipe that I came up with because I was missing some things at home, however I was able to solve my breakfast with only three healthy ingredients that you can apply them
- 1 taza de avena
- media taza de harina
- 1 cucharadita de sal
- agua al gusto
- aceite de oliva
- 1 cup oatmeal
- half cup flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- water to taste
- olive oil
Proceso/ process
1. - primero colocamos la taza de avena y la media taza de harina en una taza y vamos añadiendo el agua poco a poco hasta que sintamos que la masa quede compacta
1. - first place the cup of oatmeal and the half cup of flour in a cup and add the water little by little until we feel that the dough is compact.
2. - posterior colocamos a calentar en una olla y el aceite de oliva a tu gusto y realizamos formas de arepitas la idea es agregarla mas avena para que queden crocantes, al estar doradas las retirados y llevamos al plato y añadimos un poquito de mantequilla podemos agregar de bebida un te de tu preferencia.
2. - Afterwards we put to heat in a pot and olive oil to your liking and we make arepitas forms the idea is to add more oatmeal to make them crispy, when they are golden brown we remove them and take them to the plate and add a little butter we can add a drink of your choice.
Y Listo queridísimos amigos , así quedan estas riquísimas arepitas para tu desayuno, gracias por leerme y apoyarme
And ready my dear friends, here are these delicious arepitas for your breakfast, thank you for reading and supporting me.
All photos are my property