A Plea For Peace ❤️

A Plea For Peace ❤️by @radiomansradio on Radioman's Radio Program View my bio on CastGarden: https://cast.garden/c/radioman

A Plea For Peace ❤️
(Robin Williams)
Now angry voices fill the Internet,
loud, rattling sabers drown out cooing doves;
the rhetoric that masquerades as wisdom
rescusitates a hatred ruinous.
(Anthony Hopkins)
Hysteria, our ancient adversary
now urges us again toward a brink.
We strike a shallow, miserable bargain
when we give up our right to feel and think.
(Robert Deniro)
Let’s not forget nor ransom off our virtues,
those things we all can recognize as truth.
When we abandon our humanity
we soon discover no one’s bulletproof.
(Colin Firth)
Solutions that deny our better natures
will show themselves to be entirely flawed;
the conflict born of blame and rash aggression
is a battle lost by everyone involved.
(Sam Elliot)
One’s impulse to be friendly is a true one.
Yes, even in a loud, contentious brawl;
a sigh heard through the howling of tornados,
of instincts, the most valuable of all.
(Ian McKellen)
Impatience blinds us to extreme injustice,
our insight dim when tempers start to fray.
Inevitable seem our degradations–
it doesn’t have to happen quite that way.
(Tommy Lee Jones)
What tragedies could we abort by simply
unearthing one invaluable tool
that led mankind from out the clinging shadows:
treat others as you’d want them to treat you.
(Bryan Cranston)
The universe is cold, cruel and ungentle,
and doesn’t bend for vanity or wealth.
If hope exists, or any sort of future
it lies in our capacity to help.
(Patrick Stewart)
Let’s nurture inclination towards compassion
and set aside harsh, critical discord.
The benefits will grow and gain momentum;
a handshake holds more power than a sword.
(Woody Allen)
Perhaps our fates are sealed and predetermined,
but if on deaf ears fall this sage advice
and everything I’ve offered here seems childish,
consider– would it kill you to be nice?
#peaceformankind #celebrityimpressions #celebrityvoices #poetry #jimmeskimen #kindness

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