little report about the fucking flynnn and his interview with alexjew...
very quickly it was too low iq for me to watch, and too low courage, which is the worst, you know gay dying men, masturbating each others... super gay...
As I am useless now, I watched the fucker flynn with the otehr fucker jones...
first, flynn has taken a heavy age blow... what the fuck... this won't burst a door in bassorra...
what the fuck talking point? open your fucking windows leech, no need to see..
usa? big take? ahahaha. loser, it is china mfg base, and I don't think globalists, like you, white trashes, have a chance to decoy, fuck the mss/ccp/pla from their home base... it is fucking china and your worthless gnomes, weren't even having a unified language that this fucking han speech was already the OLOTO china wide... so fuck off with your theory in your little island. you aint russia, bro.
fuck you flynn, you are a fucking globalist fool, toyed to play the fools in the evangleist crowds, those you fucked to kill irakis and afghanis,... stfu... shit.
and fucking jones was already burning UNO flag before you were born, shit bag, why? not because he is a patriot, which he isn't like you, but because ... ask @arabisouri, I am she or he could answer you maybe even in armaeic...
so go die////
and rest assure shit, if one day pla become like you we better die./
fuck off.
that's what I think of your kind, worthless...
and I stopped watching useless waste of time, idiots, no iq, no courage, want to work "through the system" ... lol ask the nsa what to do when it is too powned... answer shit? recycle... what? fuck offf.. death to america.
and I bet you there is no solution nothing...
the solution is simple:
fucking bullet in mind and heart of children of vaxx nazi, until vaxx nazi whole are all childless, and then burry them alive.
easy... no need for words or etc...
that's why your kind will always lose against chinese armies... always... it is structural.
and shame on me to have even have entertain the idea it could be interesting... those people are fucking morons... and yes, I supported the false flag on 911... fucking losers, it was the only way to make you move, but it was a bad idea... you drones.
that's all you are
wanna be proud and look good? ask bashar ground forces what they look like? who cares, but gay bitch raised by feminist society... pfff ,
how do you say that in oloto?
round eyes :D
fuck off boys, you are too useless anyway now... it has moved beyond your realm.