From a personal perspective, I can only recommend it. Rather than waste energy in anger or despair toward the absolute treason committed by the entire american and west wide establishments, be it on pedogate or covidgate, no watching, reading, listening, to any form of news is quite refreshing.
I have a lot more time, and can focus better on more personal matters. It is great. However there is always side exposures... like for example when I learned a few days ago that apprentely the kingdom of sweden was a shit place going full idiocy... but what can you do.
On the other hand the problem is that there could be right now a major impacting news, of course it wouldn't be in the controlled medias by the pedo/traitors, but still...
The result is that I have move to an even better readyness stage toward EVAC ! because this story of bug out bag, while quite pratical, doesn't really expose the hardness of EVAC ! And I mean 2000km by foot in covert mission across the mainland type of EVAC ! So of course the bug out bag is to reach the bug out location.
But people don't get it, but the euro continent is way way way more diverse that illusion can apprenhend... for example before sweden went full vaxx nazis, how the fuck do you want I speak swedish? and as we know, only the old locals along the way would help or even take the time to help a mission evac !
yeah not funny...
So news media black out is really at your own risks and perils :) however not seeing nor hearing from the occupiers of the usa, to not see, not even hear a peep about those filths, is soooo good...
and it left me a lot of time to clarify my current and I think latest position on the matter...