Sweden? seriously, why is the only country on earth which didn't fall to the vaxxnazis? better anticorruption protocols?

in The Empire of War !3 years ago

Personally, I don't think I could survive sweden, but in a greenhouse with lights growing tomatoes... in all seriousness, I am almost done, and we are only the 11th of november... meaning -2 min per day for even 40 days before a little climb, moving the target to 80 days... no...

but yeah... it is the only place, apparently, so why?

I don't know, one hypothesis, is that they have a strong anti corruption, bribe, rotating chair system.
secondly that the politicians there don't see the people having elected them as cattles to manipulate, lie to at least in question regarding their most basic human dignity (your body, your choice).

maybe they have a press who is less corrupted that in all the rest of the western country? corrupt in the sense that it is super profitable for the press to work in a symbiotic relation with the biggest scammers of the fed flush... to not enter in the depopulation etc shit show.

however then i have few doubts... from what I got the whole press establishement aka fed fiat pumped is owned by one family whose only allegiance is the famous ennemy of the arabiouri...

but so I ask myself why was this media campaign against sweden? did it say anything about the annexion of the land of jordan, syria or egypt (lebanon being too though for the boys of the greatest nation on earth ruling the usa and the west)...

question air defense? can sweden absorb and then retaliate against the demons of D.c? no, so it is a prey.

so a prey, fucking night all the time, freezing to hell... so effectively, covid equal gay.

but why only sweden?

and funnilier there are no religious arguememnt... for example if I say to talibans power, no vaxx for me, god's hands thx, they can oppose... even if they wanted to... at least in religious theory... but nowadays... when I see that in some place the quran itself, and where it was written, is even below the covid... or at least the great vaxxes...

sweden doesn't want to depopulate?


but thx... at least it is an idea...

and that's always excellent...

i am for to find a combination permitting the annihilation of the american armed forces... to usher liberty in my life... you know to remove this threat forever... but people are so gay worlwide...

and as long as they can do like nancy, they are super happy...

some are of course smarter, and know that a few crumb to nancy or the merry band at the dod, move way further than any army could...

but yeah, how could a republic like the usa, able to do great things, in the past, fall so low, and worst take down all its so called allied, who are just partners in crime of the great d.c. racket?

if only the being from beyond solar orbit could plow through american and exactly nato forces worldwide in a instant massacre?

maybe prayers?

sweden? nato? ahh yes... they were in afg...

what is their official version of 911 or golf of tunkin? ahhh yeah... the "official narrative"... and worst I guess, they seriously believe it... they just I guess temporarily dodge the vaxx bullet...

my only wish is that all those gullible die. at least this time no lab rat was sacrificied.