About HOPE (English & Malay)

in HOPE3 years ago (edited)



Post about any topic on any language of your original content.

Pos tentang apa sahaja topik tanpa batasan bahasa asalkan kontennya asli.



You can post your original content about anything in this community. When facing a difficult time, have Faith and don't give up Hope.

Anda boleh pos konten asli anda tentang apapun dalam komuniti ini. Apabila menghadapi waktu sukar, beriman, dan tetap berharap.



1. Respect Each Other.

Hormati sesama

2. No Plagiarism.

Tidak menciplak

3. Original Content Only.

Konten asli

4. No Hate Speech.

Tiada komen negatif

5. Have Faith.


6. Don't Give Up Hope.

Tetap berharap

7. Love your family unconditionally.

Sayangi keluargamu tanpa syarat

8. You can use tag #HOPE or #hive-121315 (without #) as your additional tag if you post in other community.

Anda boleh gunakan tag #HOPE atau #hive-121315 (tanpa #) sebagai tag tambahan pos anda sekiranya anda pos di komuniti lain.


I wish you good luck and all the best. God Bless. See you next post. Can't wait to see your first post in this community.


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thank you @hivebuzz

You're welcome @remenzer, that's with pleasure 😊🌹
Thanks for your great motivation!

you are welcome @hivebuzz ... you guys are great!

Yay! 🤗
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Mantap pak.. Jom join.