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RE: (Esp/Eng) Parodia musical con Buhito y Prome: What is love, Buhito?

I died laughing when I saw how some Hivers started to come out in the middle of the video, I didn't expect it hahaha. I didn't imagine that this little owl would have so much musical talent, he masters the bass, the treble and his strange speaking voice. What a great material, it was really fun, congratulations! 👏👏👏


Buhito is daring to do anything haha now he is looking for his soul mate but all of them rejected him, poor thing 😂

Thanks a lot my friend ❤️ I'm glad I made you laugh haha Buhito wears make up, secret revealed 😂

Pienso igual, de verdad no se como ese Buhito se pasea por todo el espectro de frecuencias de las cuerdas vocales 😂

Es todo un personaje, además de multi talentoso 😅 Feliz Martes Oscar 😘