" a.k.a. Vote-Seller-buildawhale haven't noticed that for a time I had 6-digit hive power exclusively for curation before all of this started, and intentionally lowered it into the range of having no real impact on reward pool just to make people like him look that much dumber. I love to prove that people are stupid, you know?!I suspect @solominer and @themarkymark a.k.a. "
That's like my favorite thing in the entire world: "look how stupid people are" It's written into my very existence, and I am never satisfied, because their stupidity is endless. Megalithic is probably my favorite for taking this idea and running with it. Yelling in everyone's face all day every day about how they are all braindead automatons never ceases to amuse me. Yes, in fact he is right when he says everyone is retarded.
For example:
our $1 posts = "nothing to lose",
but if you look at their posts?
They have something to lose (◣◡◢)
I wonder what happens if I decide to go back to having hive power?
Ants only see you when you poke them with something is a phrase I've heard.
Maybe the queen system lost $5 and marky is going to lose "at least $6" - oopsie!
wow - downvote mana is separated from upvote mana?
what a brilliant new and innovative system that is!
where on earth did that genius get such an idea?!
TO WAR! Actually, nevermind, I'm 'lazy and bored' - for today (◣◡◢)
Now this post is 100x cooler than anything marky posted this year.
Theoretically you could say I'm starting to 'dispute their payouts'
are you "in the game"?

Cool story, thanks for sharing.
Sarcasm or not,

you're starting to get the right idea.
Glad you notice, means a lot to me.
Let's talk about noticing things for a minute//
there are billions of them
- edit: