New photo series!!! Frankfurt am Main rotting in the garbage - Prolly People, Party people.

in Deutsch D-A-CH4 years ago (edited)

Starting this week, I will try to document every weekend what damage is being done to Frankfurt am Main by the proles and party people.

Spread the word and think about publishing some nice snapshots of animal cruelty, pollution, Destruction and ignorance.
Also like to film the people who are there at the party.

The photos were all taken on one day within 1 hour on Sunday the 21.06.2020 by myself. It is on the bank of the river Main in Frankfurt Germany.

Ich werde ab dieser Woche versuchen jedes Wochenende zu dokumentieren was in Frankfurt am Main von den Proleten und Partyleuten für ein Schaden an gerichtet wird.

Verbreiten sie die Nachricht und denken sie darüber nach auch ein paar Schnappschüsse von Tierquälerei, Umweltverschmutzung, Zerstörung und Ignoranz zu veröffentlichen.

Die Fotos sind alle an einem Tag innerhalb von 1 Stunde auf genommen worden am Sonntag den 21.06.2020 von mir selber. Es ist am Ufer des Flusses Main in Frankfurt Deutschland.




Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie derjenige das Schild da einfach abgerissen hat....xD?

Does anyone have any idea how that guy just tore that sign down...xD?











All pictures was taken by myself @dec.entralized


Sind die Fotos alle aus einer Woche?
Sieht ja richtig Übel aus.
!BEER drauf zum desinfizieren!

Die Bilder wurden alle samt in einer stunde auf genommen morgens zwischen 04:30 und 05:30 am 21.06.2020 von mir. ein Tag davor am 20.06 sah es noch schlimmer aus. Da habe ich auch einen Flaschenschmeißer geknipst. Upload erfolgt heute im laufe des Tages.

Edit: Es ist leider etwas spät geworden zum posten daher werde ich sie morgen uploaden. Dann bekomme ich auch den Video upload hin xD

I'm not sure about the context. Was there a big party and this is the aftermath? It looks like the bicycle with all the bags and boxes was someone trying to collect the recyclable trash for return money, unless that's not a thing there.

This happens every Friday to Saturday night and also Saturday to Sunday night. There is no official party or something. This is just the banks of the Main River. People abuse the bank for their drinking orgies.

Yes, the homeless man allowed me to take pictures of his collected works. He collected all this in half an hour. I thought it was a good example of how many bottles are lying around by themselves. In Germany you get a deposit on some bottles.
But not on all trash.
His collection was only the top of the mountain of garbage you could collect there.

Holy cow. That's crazy!

Traurig ...

Es liegt letztendlich an jedem Einzelnem, dass es so aussieht. Manch Mensch hat hier kein Benehmen. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich in Wien wohne und hier die Stadtregierung es halbwegs schafft, dass Wien sehr Sauber ist. Jedoch darf dies nicht von der Regierung abhängen, sondern sollte jedem Einzelnem bewusst werden, dass dies ein NoGo ist.

Bei uns wird das Zeug ja auch weg gemacht zwischen 5 und 7 uhr morgens.
Aber in der zeit bis das passiert ist haben schon so viele Tiere aus dem Müll gefressen.
Dabei verschlucken sie manchmal leider auch Scherben. Du kannst dir sicher vorstellen wie sowas endet...
Danke das du bereits Verstanden hast wie wichtig die Natur für uns ist!

Ja leider... Werde heute auch mal ein Video dazu hoch laden. Leider hat es damit gestern auf Threespeak nicht geklappt mit dem Upload...

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Hey @dec.entralized, here is a little bit of BEER from @siphon for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Manually curated by blacklux 💡 from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, I will only stop when the pollution stops.

Oh that might not happen anytime soon...

I'm afraid so too...But it will be even longer if we do nothing.

That is very true!
Shame some people don't seem to care about it though.

Tolle Initiative!

Ja das geht so nicht weiter.. Die Stadt lässt den Kram extra morgens entfernen damit die Leute später nicht mehr sehen was dort passiert. Aber bis das entfernt wurde fressen die Tiere das zeug... Dabei verschlucken sie auch aus versehen Glasscherben... Sie können sich bestimmt denken was dann passiert.

Looks like quite the party went down...

This happens every Friday to Saturday night and also Saturday to Sunday night. There is no official party or something. This is just the banks of the Main River. People abuse the bank for their drinking orgies.

Wow lots of alcoholics there.

Yes Germany has a big alcohol problem. I agree with you 100%!
Unfortunately the state forbids us the possession of cannabis.
They prefer to pump millions of € into alcohol withdrawal clinics so that the poor doctors there continue to earn their money.

I would have though the Germans would have built up enough tolerance to beer by now lol. They just made cannabis legal where I live. The main problem with cannabis is the side effect of motivation reduction, then you end up with a bunch of bums in the street.

Lool almost all alcoholics I had ever met in my life have no job or lost their job just by not appearing at work and lack of motivation!
Alcohol makes addiction extremely fast!
Alcohol kills extremely fast!
Alcohol kills your brain cells and also damages the rest of your body!

Cannabis does not lower my motivation and work morale!
I have been smoking for a long time.
Cannabis has never killed anyone I know.
But an old classmate has already died from alcohol.
After about 2 years of alcohol addiction he had hardly been able to produce complete and grammatically correct sentences.
He used to be a bodybuilder and after about 3 years of alcohol addiction he could not even lift his wife when he took her in his arms...
He also lost his job because he became unreliable.
So don't give me that bullshit.

Whoa you really love your pot, calm down man. Maybe you need to smoke something a bit stronger.