Collect rubbish rewards # 62 goes to:

in Deutsch D-A-CH2 years ago

Collect rubbish rewards # 62

There were 5 participants who took part. Thank you for collecting rubbish!
So far we have had 161 cleaners from the beginning of this Challenge more than a year ago. That's a lot of rubbish that we have taken care of properly.

This week's HSBI Share rewards go to:Die Rewards in Form von HSBI Share gehen diese Woche an:
1. Place2 HSBI Share@taushifahamed
2. Place1 HSBI Sponsort bei @cleanyourcity@schumix05
3. - 7. Place100 Planet Token@kingtanu @mein-senf-dazu @jems1
25 CYC NFT Owner25 Planet Token@mein-senf-dazu
50 CYC NFT Owner50 Planet Token@no owner yet




Here are the winners drawn in the correct order.Hier sind die gezogenen Gewinner in der richtigen Reihenfolge.



Prices for current challenge # 63

1. PlaceHP Rewards for the Challenge Post in the form of HSBI. At least 1 HSBI
2. Place1 HSBI Sponsort bei @cleanyourcity
3. - 7. Place100 Planet Token

Thanks for participating to everyone who took part in the "Collect rubbish week" challenge. Every piece of trash that doesn't end up on the ground is a win for all of us.Danke fürs Teilnehmen an alle, die am "Collect rubbish week" Challenge teilgenommen haben. Jedes Stück Müll, das nicht auf dem Boden landet, ist ein Gewinn für uns alle.
Second place is a sponsor HSBI Share from @cleanyourcity.Als zweiten Platz gibt es einen Sponsor HSBI Share von @cleanyourcity.
In addition, there are 100 Planet Tokens each for 5 other participantsHere the information about planet token.. Thanks to @cleanplanet for making it possible. Planet tokens are used similar to ecency points. Zusätzlich gibt es je 100 Planet Token für 5 weitere TeilnehmerHier die Info darüber.. Danke an @cleanplanet der es möglich macht. Planet Token sind ähnlich wie ecency punkte zu gebrauchen.
I hope there will be a few participants again.Ich hoffe es finden sich wieder ein paar Teilnehmer.
Have fun participating in the "Collect rubbish week" challenge.Viel Spaß beim "Collect rubbish week" Challenge teilnehmen.

Danke 🙏 😊

Gerne. Auch Danke fürs Sammeln und hier teilnehmen. !BEER

BEERHey @schumix05, here is a little bit of from @eddwood for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congratulations to all of you and thank you so much @eddwood

Your are wellcome. And thanks for participating. !LUV

Hey, Thank you so much for your support.

You are wellcome. Thanks for taking part at the challenge. !LUV

Congratulations to all winner and many many thanks to @eddwood to organize this contest.

You are wellcome and thands for taking part at this challenge. !BEER

BEERHey @kingtanu, here is a little bit of from @eddwood for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on