Actually this is tried tested and patented technology that has been used for oil well blow out containment and separation.
And it would be pretty cool too be able to capture all of this energy for our use. However capturing too much of it might upset some balance within the Earth that we do not know about right now. However methane and other hydrocarbons are naturally and constantly produced.
Really? Didn't know that. It's really cheap and simple. If I had the money, I'd immediately go for it...
It's not about deep deposits. According to the researchers, the methane ice which would go into the atmosphere with 1°C higher water temperature is right at the surface.
Totally. On top, it would also reduce the climate emissions by a margin as methane is ~25 times as bad as CO2, if you believe the climate crowd.
Don't believe in climate change because the climate is always changing...
And yes lower cost efficient energy is needed.