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RE: Gilt der Darwinismus auch für Götter?

in Deutsch D-A-CH2 years ago (edited)

Hello buddy! I hope you will enjoy and rest today! I found your post very interesting, even if i am afraid i have lost some of your "vibes" in the translation! Google didnt do great job on it!

Today is also a great religious holiday in Greece, based on the person of Mary, the mother of Jesus! What I want to tell you is, that here in Greece Mary has been deified, with characteristics that were attributed for centuries to the Olympian deity, Athena! Most of the adjectives attributed to her are almost identical to those of the past.

Religions certainly evolve, personally I believe it is not based on spiritual searches, but on a struggle for their survival. However, there is a solid core in each of them that contains a wisdom or which is usually covered with allegories!

Summing up all the philosophical, religious and even scientific approaches (quantum physics), I consider the approach of things from Heraclitus in his book "On nature" is the most complete (although at the same time indefinite)

"(ι) This world was not made by any god or man, but always was, is, and will be: an eternal, living fire, kindling in measure and quenching in measure."

"(β)The true structure of things (nature) is usually hidden.
(γ) Eyes and ears are bad witnesses for people, if they have souls that do not understand their language."